Monkey Wrench provides tools to run CHIMP, fetch and process its input files, analyze and visualize its output, and much more! It is an attempt to avoid reinventing the wheel by consolidating all Python scripts and codes that we use alongside CHIMP.
In particular, you can:
- ☑ Querying and fetching SEVIRI data from the EUMETSAT API via either single queries or batches
- ☑ Resampling fetched files from the API
- ☑ Using the provided CHIMP extensions to allow for reading files which are not natively supported by CHIMP
- ☑ Performing queries on local files, datetime objects, and conversion between filenames and datetime stamps
- ☑ Running CHIMP for different groups of input files in a queue
- ☑ Running tasks from YAML files, alleviating the need for coding
- ☐ Performing post-processing of CHIMP output as well as some visualization utilities
N.B. Monkey Wrench is a work in progress and under active development. As a result, the API and the scheme of task (YAML) files might and will change!
License, Disclaimer of Warranty, and Limitation of Liability
This program is distributed under the GNU General Public License Version 3. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see