A simple and easy to use library that creates single page scrolling websites with horizontal or vertical scrolling.
- StackBlitz
- Introduction
- Compatibility
- License
- Usage
- Options
- Reporting issues
- Contributing to sitepage
- Changelog
- Resources
- Donations
Suggestion are more than welcome, not only for feature requests but also for coding style improvements. Let's make this a great library to make people's lives easier!
sitepage is fully functional on all modern browsers. It also provides touch support for mobile phones, tablets and touch screen computers.
If you are creating an open source application under a license compatible with the GPL, you may use sitePage under the terms of the GPL.
The credit comments in the JavaScript and CSS files should be kept intact (even after combination or minification)
As you can see in the example files, you will need to include:
- The JavaScript file
(or its minified versionsitepage.min.js
) - The css file
- The css file
Optionally, you can install sitepage with bower or npm if you prefer:
// With npm
npm install sitepage.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-Vkoo8x4CGsO3+Hhxv8T/Q5PaXtkKtu6ug5TOeNV6gBiFeWPGFN9MuhOf23Q9Ifjh" crossorigin="anonymous">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="sitepage.min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="sitepage.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/sitepage.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/dist/style/sitepage.min.css" />
Start your HTML document with the compulsory HTML DOCTYPE declaration on the 1st line of your HTML code. You might have troubles with sections heights otherwise. The examples provided use HTML 5 doctype <!DOCTYPE html>
Each section will be defined with an element containing the section
The active section by default will be the first section, which is taken as the home page.
Sections will get placed inside a wrapper (<div id="sitepage">
in this case). The wrapper can not be the body
<div id="sitePage">
You can see a fully working example of the HTML structure in the index.html
All you need to do is call sitepage before the closing </body>
Note: New property pageId in sections added in the version 3.1.4 This will help url to make more meaningful
new SitePage("sitePage", {
brandName: "",
verticalAlignMiddle: true, // By default it would be true
sections: [{
anchor: "Home",
template: "<h1>Home</h1>",
backgroundColor: "#45b4f5",
anchor: "Features",
templateId: "feature",
backgroundColor: "#fc6c7c"
anchor: "Contact Us",
template: "<h1>Contact Us</h1>",
backgroundColor: "#1bbc9b"
navigation: 'horizontal',//horizontal|vertical
sameurl: true,//true|false
pageIndicator:true,//true|false; Default is true
easing: "ease",//ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out|cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)
transitionSpeed: 1000,//speed in ms
autoScrolling: true,//true|false
keyboardNavigation: true,//true|false
//callback events
pageTransitionStart: (prevPage, currentPage) => {
console.log(`prevPage: ${prevPage ? prevPage.id : ""} currentPage :${currentPage.id}`);
pageTransitionEnd: (currentPage) => {
console.log(`currentPage :${currentPage.id}`);
- brandName: Logo Title of the website.This Option is optional
brandName: "Logo Title",
- backgroundColor: background color of the website. This Option is optional If you don't want to give background color for every section you can mention backgroundColor.
backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
- verticalAlignMiddle: By Default it is true and apply to all the sections. It will align the content vertically.
verticalAlignMiddle: false,
- anchors: Set true|false. If you require a menu set it as a true (By defaul it is false) and if not require set it as false.
- sameurl: Set true|false. While navigating the url will change navigation: 'vertical',//horizontal|vertical hamburger: { lineColor: "",//line color of hamburger backgroundColor: "",//background color when hamburger open, closeOnNavigation:true//default true },
- Hamburger: Set true or below properties If you require a menu set it as by defaul it is false { lineColor:"", backgroundColor:"", closeOnNavigation:true }
sections: [{
active:true,//set active|false
anchor: "string",//link name
templateId:"string"//Id of the template element which to be render
templateUrl: "stringUrl",//use template or templateUrl
template:"string",//use template or templateUrl
backgroundColor: "string",
verticalAlignMiddle:boolean,//By default it would be false, true|false
sectionClass:"class1,class2"//comma separated string or string array class to be apply on sections
anchorClass:"class1,class2"//comma separated string or string array class to be apply on sections
easing: "string",//ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out|cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n)
transitionSpeed: 1000,//speed in ms
autoScrolling: boolean,//By default it would be false, true|false
keyboardNavigation: boolean,//By default it would be false, true|false
pageTransitionStart: (prevPage:HtmlElement, currentPage:HtmlElement) => {
pageTransitionEnd: (currentPage:HtmlElement) => {
with sitePage 3.0.0 new API has been exposed to have more control on sitepage.js
- gotoPage(pageId: string);
- navigateToNextPage();
- navigateToPrevPage();
- getMenuItems();
- getActiveSection();
//for example
var sitePage = new SitePage(id,options);
To see the list of recent changes, see Releases section.
Donations would be more than welcome :)
Become a sponsor and get your logo on our README on Github with a link to your site. [Become a sponsor]