A Dynamic Statusline for your vim.
This plugin allows you to specify different statusline content on different window width.
There are three breakpoints: full, compact, and conceal.
Using vim-plug
Plug 'pirey/dynaline.vim'
All available options:
let g:dynaline = {
\ 'skip_filetypes': ['nerdtree'],
\ 'conceal': 1,
\ 'conceal_width': 30,
\ 'conceal_content': '\ ⋯',
\ 'compact_width': 60,
\ 'compact_content': '\ %t',
\ 'content': '',
\ }
This will be used when window width is bigger than compact_width
Default: let g:dynaline.content = ''
This will be used when window width is smaller than compact_width
Default: let g:dynaline.compact_content = '\ %t'
This will determine when to display compact_content
Default: let g:dynaline.compact_width = 60
If set to 1
, statusline will be 'concealed' when window width is smaller than conceal_width
Default: let g:dynaline.conceal = l
This will be displayed when window width is smaller than conceal_width
Default: let g:dynaline.conceal_content = '\ ⋯'
Same as compact_width
, for conceal
Default: let g:dynaline.conceal_width = 30
You can specify list of filetypes to ignore
Default: let g:dynaline.skip_filetypes = ['nerdtree']
Copyright (c) Pirey. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself.
See :help license