***π BUILDING NEW VERSION... *** - > https://github.com/pinhobrunodev/bruno-lanches
Hello, this is a Web Service project that simulates a food store with delivery services. This project was created to exercise my knowledge in REST API development.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Jpa / Hibernate
- Maven
- PostgreSQL
- H2 Database
User Tasks β
Implement User classe
Implement DTO
Implement UserRepository
Implement UserMapper
Implement UserService
- findAllByBirthDateOrderASC()
- findByName()
- insert()
- update()
- delete()
- findAllOrdersByUserId()
- findAllOrderByUserIdStatusPending()
- findAllOrderByUserIdStatusDelivered()
Implement UserController
Implement UserExceptions
Implement Validations in the UserService class
Deliveryman Tasks β
Implement Deliveryman classe
Implement DTO
Implement DeliverymanRepository
Implement DeliverymanMapper
Implement DeliverymanService
- findAllDeliverymanByNameASC()
- findAllOrdersByDeliverymaIdDelivered()
- findAllOrdersByDeliverymanIdPending()
- findByEmail()
- insert()
- update()
- delete()
Implement DeliverymanController
Implement DeliverymanExceptions
Implement Validations in the DeliverymanService class
Order β
Implement OrderStatus Enumeration
Implement Order classe
Implement DTO
Implement OrderRepository
Implement OrderMapper
Implement OrderService
- findAllOrdersByInstantASC()
- findAllOrdersByStatusPENDINGOrderByMomentASC()
- findAllOrdersByStatusDELIVEREDOrderByMomentASC()
- findById()
- insert()
- setDelivered()
- pageableSearch()
Implement OrderController
Implement OrderExceptions
Implement Validations in the OrderService class
Relation between Order-User-Deliveryman β
- Implement relation between ORDER-USER-DELIVERYMAN
Category β
Implement Category classe
Implement Seed Category SQL
Implement DTO
Implement CategoryRepository
Implement CategoryService
- findAllCategories()
- findCategoryById()
- findCategortByName()
Implement CategoryController
Implement CategoryExceptions
Implement Validations in the CategoryService class
Implement class Product β
Implement Product classe
Implement Seed Product SQL
Implement DTO
Implement ProductMapper
Implement ProductRepository
Implement ProductService
- findAllProducts()
- findProductByName()
- findProductById()
- insert()
- update()
- delete()
Implement ProductController
Implement ProductExceptions
Implement Validations in the ProductService class
Relation between Product and Category β
- Implement relation between Product and Category
Relation between Product and Order β
- Implement relation between Product and Order
https://bruno-lanches.herokuapp.com/[Insert the Endpoint below]
GET | /users | List all users by birth order |
GET | /users/{name}/found | List user by name |
GET | /users/{id}/orders | List all orders of the user id |
GET | /users/{id}/orders/status/pending | List all pending orders of the user id |
GET | /users/{id}/orders/status/delivered | List all delivered orders of the user id |
POST | /users | Insert a user |
PUT | /users/updated | Update a user |
DELETE | /users/{id}/removed | Delete a user by id |
GET | /deliverymans | List all deliverymans by name order |
GET | /deliverymans/{email}/found | List deliverymans by email |
GET | /deliverymans/orders/{id}/delivered | Lists all orders delivered from the id referring to the deliveryman |
GET | /deliverymans/orders/{id}/pending | Lists all orders pending from the id referring to the deliveryman |
POST | /deliverymans | Insert a Deliveryman |
PUT | /deliverymans/updated | Update a deliveryman |
DELETE | /deliverymans/{id}/removed | Delete a deliveryman by id |
GET | /orders | List all orders by moment |
GET | /orders/pending | List all orders pending |
GET | /orders/delivered | List all orders delivered |
GET | /orders/{id}/found | List order by id |
GET | /orders/pageable | Pageable Search |
POST | /orders | Insert a order |
PUT | /orders/set/{id}/delivered | Update a order status to delivered |
GET | /categories | List all categories |
GET | /categories/findBy/{id} | List category by id |
GET | /categories/{name} | List category by name |
GET | /products | List all products |
GET | /products/id/{id} | List a product by id |
GET | /products/name/{name} | List a product by name |
POST | /products | Save a product |
PUT | /products/update | Update a product |
DELETE | /products/delete/{id} | Delete a product by id |
Made with π by Bruno Pinho