In this project you have to make your own shell in C language.
You can only use some basic function :
malloc, free, write, open, read, close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal, kill, exit, getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, execve, dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir, strerror, errno
This project teach us:
- Advance parsing.
- Multiple process with fork.
- Shell command.
- Control of command line.
- Control of signal.
the shell should:
- Show a prompt when waiting for a new command.
- Search and launch the right executable (based on the PATH variable or by using relative or absolute path) like in bash.
- It must implement the builtins like in bash:.
- echo with option ’-n’.
- cd with only a relative or absolute path.
- pwd without any options.
- export without any options.
- unset without any options.
- env without any options and any arguments.
- exit without any options.
- ; in the command should separate commands like in bash.
- ’ and " should work like in bash except for multiline commands.
- Redirections < > “>>” should work like in bash.
- Pipes | should work like in bash.
- Environment variables ($ followed by characters) should work like in bash.
- $? should work like in bash.
- ctrl-C, ctrl-D and ctrl-\ should have the same result as in bash.