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Really proud of a cool plot. Also wrote a script to help combine many…
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philrosenfield committed Nov 12, 2015
1 parent 146834f commit a3faa02
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Showing 3 changed files with 395 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions consistency/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

350 changes: 350 additions & 0 deletions plotting/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
from ..fileio import load_lf_file, get_files
from ResolvedStellarPops.galaxies.simgalaxy import SimGalaxy
from .plotting import outside_labels, emboss, tpagb_model_default_color
from ..TPAGBparams import snap_src, EXT
from palettable.wesanderson import Zissou_5

def load_tpagbs(lf_file, sims, key='m_ini', gyr=False):
Load the scaled simulation TP-AGB distribution of some key
lf_file : string
path to LF formated file
-- horrific format
sims : array of strings
paths to trilegal output files that correspond to the lf_file
key : str
column in trilegal output file to read
gyr : bool
use Gyr instead of log ages (will over ride 'key' to 'logAge')
tpagbs : list of arrays
the scaled tp_agb values of key (sim_agb)
lfd = load_lf_file(lf_file)
# not all sims were included because of normalization factor threshold
idx = map(int, np.concatenate(lfd['idx']))
tpagbs = []
for i in idx:
# this will not actually work -- need to find the index by filename...
sgal = SimGalaxy(sims[i])
if gyr:
key = 'logAge'
data = 10 ** ([key] - 9)
data =[key]
del sgal
return tpagbs

def make_hists(tpagbs, dm=0.5, bins=None, norm=True):
Bin up the list of arrays
tpagbs : list of arrays
return of load_tpagbs
dm : float
bin width (if bins=None)
bins : array
bin edges
norm : bool
scale histogram by the length of each individual array
bins : array
bin edges
hists : list of arrays
a list of the histogram of each array
meanh : array
median histogram
if bins is None:
bins = np.arange(0, 6 + dm, dm)
if norm:
hists = [np.histogram(tpagb, bins=bins)[0] / float(len(tpagb))
for tpagb in tpagbs]
hists = [np.histogram(tpagb, bins=bins)[0] for tpagb in tpagbs]

meanh = np.median(np.array(hists).T, axis=1)

return bins, hists, meanh

def save_hists(target, bins, hists, meanh, key='m_ini'):
save the histograms to a file
will make two files: one of the histograms, the other for the median
target : str
name of galaxy (for file name)
bins : array
histogram bin edges
hists : list of arrays
meanh : array
median histogram
key : str
column from trilegal (for file name)
line = '# target bins hists\n'
line += ' '.join(map('{:.3f}'.format, bins)) + '\n'
hline = '\n'.join([' '.join(map('{:d}'.format, hist)) for hist in hists])
mline = ' '.join(map('{}'.format, meanh)) + '\n'
outfile = '{}_tpagb_{}_hists.dat'.format(target, key)
with open(outfile, 'w') as out:
outfile = '{}_mean_tpagb_{}_hists.dat'.format(target, key)
with open(outfile, 'w') as out:

def read_hists(targets, path, key='m_ini', mean_only=False):
Read files produced by save_hists
targets: list of str
galaxy names (to find histogram files)
path : str
location of lf_files and histogram files
key : str
column of trilegal output to combine
mean_only : bool
only load median histogram
mfiles = [get_files(path, '{}_mean_tpagb_{}_hists.dat'.format(t, key))[0]
for t in targets]
hfiles = [get_files(path, '{}_tpagb_{}_hists.dat'.format(t, key))[0]
for t in targets]
meanhs = []
histss = []
for mfile in mfiles:
with open(mfile) as m:
bins = np.array(m.readline().strip().split(), dtype=float)
meanhs.append(np.array(m.readline().strip().split(), dtype=float))
if not mean_only:
histss = [np.genfromtxt(h, skip_header=2) for h in hfiles]
return bins, histss, meanhs

def load_hists(targets, path, mean_only=False, saved=False, save=True,
key='m_ini', dm=0.5, bins=None, norm=False):
Either call read_hists or make_hists (if the latter, option to save them)
targets: list of str
galaxy names (to find histogram files)
path : str
location of lf_files and histogram files
key : str
column of trilegal output to combine
Passed to read_hists:
mean_only : bool
only load median histogram
saved : bool
histogram files have been made, call read_hists
save : bool
with saved=False, save the new histograms to file
Passed to make_hists:
dm : float
with saved=False bin width
bins : array
bin edges
norm : bool
scale histogram by the length of each individual array
bins : array
bin edges
histss : list of list of arrays
all histograms
meanhs : list of arrays
all median histograms
gyr = False
if key == 'logAge':
gyr = True
if saved:
bins, histss, meanhs = read_hists(targets, path, key=key)
meanhs = []
histss = []
for target in targets:
sims = get_files(path, 'out*{}*.dat'.format(target))
lf_file, = get_files(path, '*{}*lf.dat'.format(target))
bins, hists, meanh = make_hists(load_tpagbs(lf_file, sims, gyr=gyr),
dm=dm, bins=bins, norm=norm)
if save:
save_hists(target, bins, hists, meanh, key=key)
return bins, histss, meanhs

def stacked_plot(targets, path=None, save=False, saved=False,
Create a super cool stacked horizontal bar plot
targets: list of str
galaxy names (to find histogram files)
path : str
location of lf_files and histogram files
key : str
column of trilegal output to combine
Passed to read_hists:
saved : bool
histogram files have been made, call read_hists
save : bool
with saved=False, save the new histograms to file
def decorate(ax, bins, targets, colors, key):
Turn off axis borders, tick marks, add custom legend,
and set yticks to be target names
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
if key == 'logAge':
labs = '< {1}, {1}-{2}, {2}-{3}, {3}-{4}, > {4}'.format(*bins)
labels = map(r'$\rm{{{}\ Gyr}}$'.format, labs.split(','))
labs = '{0}-{1}, {1}-{2}, {2}-{3}, {3}-{4}, > {4}'.format(*bins)
labels = map(r'$\rm{{{}\ M_\odot}}$'.format, labs.split(','))

patches = [mpatches.Patch(color=colors[i], label=labels[i])
for i in range(len(labels))]
plt.legend(handles=patches, bbox_to_anchor=(.44, -0.05), loc=8, ncol=5)

ylabs = [r'$\rm{{{}}}$'.format(target.upper()).replace('-', '\!-\!')
for target in targets]

plt.yticks(np.arange(len(targets)), ylabs)
[spine.set_visible(False) for spine in ax.spines.itervalues()]
ax.tick_params(labelbottom='off', bottom='off', top='off',
left='off', right='off')

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))
if key == 'logAge':
bins = np.array([ 0., 0.3, 1., 1.5, 6.3, 15.])
bins = np.array([0.8, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3., 4.])
colors = Darjeeling2_5.mpl_colors

if saved:
bins, histss, meanhs = load_hists(targets, saved=True, key=key,
bins, histss, meanhs = load_hists(targets, path, key=key, save=save,
mean_only=True, bins=bins)

for i, target in enumerate(targets):
meanh = meanhs[i] / np.sum(meanhs[i])
ax.barh(i, meanh[0], 0.8, color=colors[-1], align='center')
[ax.barh(i, meanh[j+1], 0.8, left=np.cumsum(meanh)[j],
align='center', color=colors[j]) for j in range(len(meanh))[:-1]]

decorate(ax, bins, targets, Darjeeling2_5.mpl_colors, key)
outfile = 'tpagb_{}_hists{}'.format(key, EXT)

def default_run():
targets = ['ugc8508',
path = snap_src + 'varysfh/extpagb/keep/all_run/caf09_v1.2s_m36_s12d_ns_nas'
stacked_plot(targets, path=path, saved=True, key='logAge')
stacked_plot(targets, path=path, saved=True, key='m_ini')

if __name__ == "__main__":

# not used

def big_mass_hist(targets, path=None, oneplot=False, save=False,
read_hists=False, dm=0.5):
axs = [None] * len(targets)
kw = {}

if oneplot:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=len(targets), figsize=(16,16))
xlab, ylab = plot_labels(dm=dm)
axs = outside_labels(axs, fig=fig, xlabel=xlab, ylabel=ylab)
from matplotlib import ticker
kw['axes_labels'] = False

bins, histss, meanhs = load_hists(targets, path, saved=False, save=False,
key='m_ini', dm=0.5)

for i, target in enumerate(targets):
ax = _plot(bins, histss[i], meanhs[i], ax=axs[i], **kw)
if oneplot:
ax.text(0.98, 0.9,
r'$\rm{{{}}}$'.format(target.upper()).replace('-', '\!-\!'),
transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', ha='right')
outfile = 'tpagb_{}_hist_{}{}'.format(key, target, EXT)

if oneplot:
for ax in axs:
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0., left=0.1, bottom=0.1, top=0.95)
outfile = 'tpagb_mass_hists{}'.format(EXT)

def plot_labels(dm=0.5):
ylab = r'$\rm{{Fraction\ of\ TP\!-\!AGB\ Stars\ /\ {:.1f}\ M_\odot}}$'.format(dm)
xlab = r'$\rm{Initial\ Mass\ (M_\odot)}$'
return xlab, ylab

def _plot(bins, hists, meanh, ax=None, axes_labels=True):
if ax is None:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))

[ax.plot(bins[:-1], h, alpha=0.1, color='k', lw=1,
drawstyle='steps-mid') for h in hists]

ax.plot(bins[:-1], meanh, drawstyle='steps-mid',
color=tpagb_model_default_color, lw=4)

if axes_labels:
xlab, ylab = tpagb_hist_labels(dm=dm)
return ax

44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import sys
import argparse

def shift(fnames, off=0):
off = 25
new fomrat:
line = ''
for f in fnames:
pref, idxext = '_'.join(f.split('_')[:-1]), f.split('_')[-1]
idx, ext = idxext.split('.')
nidx = int(idx) + off
nf = '_'.join([pref, '{:03d}.{}'.format(nidx, ext)])
line += 'mv {} {}\n'.format(f, nf)
return line

def main(argv):
description = "Write a scripts to shift filename numbers"

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description)

parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', type=str, default='',
help='output file')

parser.add_argument('-s', '--offset', type=int, default=0,
help='numeric offset')

parser.add_argument('files', type=str, nargs='*', help='input files')

args = parser.parse_args(argv)

lines = shift(args.files, off=args.offset)

with open(args.outfile, 'w') as out:

if __name__ == "__main__":

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