This is my customization of the Emacs mode-line
It provides a minor-mode for toggling the phd-ark-modeline
includes more human-readable features (opposed to the default
In particular it features:
- indicator bar (see screenshot; rectangular, sigmoid, arrow-shape, etc.)
- buffer state icons (read-only & modified)
- version control identification and iconification
- unread mail indicator (provided you use
) - major-mode iconification and descriptione
For the iconification, it uses the all-the-icons
package which is
the only requirement.
Download this git repository, e.g. to your home directory. In your
(or equivalent Emacs startup-file), use
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/phd-ark-modeline/")
(require 'phd-ark-modeline)
(phd-ark-modeline-mode 1)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x |") 'phd-ark-modeline-mode)
or in case you’re using use-package
(use-package phd-ark-modeline
:ensure nil
:load-path "~/phd-ark-modeline/"
:after (all-the-icons flycheck mu4e)
:hook (after-init . phd-ark-modeline-mode)
:bind (("C-x |" . phd-ark-modeline-mode)))
The default phd-ark-modeline
format is still quite conservative and
minimalistic. However, many features can be included in your
configuration and customization.
Just like for mode-line
, customizations can be applied by setting
the phd-ark-modeline-format
in case of
(setq phd-ark-modeline-format
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-bar))
;; analogously list all components here
For instance, my personal configuration looks like
(use-package phd-ark-modeline
:ensure nil
:load-path "~/local/phd-ark-modeline/"
:after all-the-icons
:hook (after-init . phd-ark-modeline-mode)
:bind (("C-x |" . phd-ark-modeline-mode))
(require 'phd-ark-mu4e-setup) ;; this is my personal mu4e setup
(setq phd-ark-modeline-mu4e-unread-query phd-ark-mu4e-inbox-query)
(phd-ark-modeline-mail-mode t)
(phd-ark-modeline-column-mode t)
(setq phd-ark-modeline-format
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-bar))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-buffer-lock-icon))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-buffer-name))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-buffer-modified-icon))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-buffer-position))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-media-info))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-flycheck-status))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace 4))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-vc-icon 1 1 1))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-vc-status))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace 4))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-mail-icon))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-mail-status))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-space-between 4))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-mode-icon))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-major-mode))
'(:eval (phd-ark-modeline-whitespace)))))