The goal of riskreports is to documents results of package checks for validation.
You can install the development version of riskreports from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
# Specify the folder where the files should go (here for easy access on the website)
options("riskreports_output_dir" = "pkgdown/assets")
pr <- package_report(
package_name = "dplyr",
package_version = "1.1.4",
params = list(
assessment_path = system.file("assessments/dplyr.rds", package = "riskreports")),
quiet = TRUE # To silence quarto output for readability
#> [1] "pkgdown/assets/validation_report_dplyr_v1.1.4.html"
#> [2] "pkgdown/assets/"
We first selected were reports should go. Then we used {riskmetric} data to generate the report for the package.
Then we can access those files on the website: