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Manage Package Metadata

Warning: This project is very early alpha release, so all APIs could change with little or no notice.

Python packages have metadata describing information like the package name, version, etc. The details of this metadata are defined in the Packaging User Guide. When stored in a file (either on the filesystem, or in a package distribution) the metadata is saved in a format which is based on email headers.

This library transforms that metadata to and from a JSON-compatible dictionary form, as defined in PEP 566. The dictionary form is easier to use in a programming context. Three functions are provided:

  • bytes_to_dict(bytes) - convert a byte string containing metadata in the standard email format to dictionary format. Returns the metadata in dictionary form.
  • msg_to_dict(msg) - convert an emai.message.Message object containing metadata to dictionary format. Returns the metadata in dictionary form.
  • dict_to_bytes(dict) - convert the dictionary form back to email headers. Returns a byte string with the message form.

Note that the email header format specifies that metadata must be encoded in UTF-8. The dict_to_bytes function enforces this by returning a UTF-8 encoded byte string. The bytes_to_dict function, on the other hand, will attempt to handle input that is not encoded in UTF-8, as older metadata writers did not enforce UTF-8. The encoding detection is relatively primitive, and attempting to do anything with non-UTF-8 fields other than write them back out unmodified is likely to result in mojibake.

Also, while there is a msg_to_dict function, there is no corresponding dict_to_msg function. This is because the email.message.Message class does not serialise to bytes in a form that conforms to the metadata spec, so it is not useful to have metadata converted back to that form.

An example of using the library:

metadata = pkg_metadata.bytes_to_dict(metadata_file.read_bytes())
metadata["keywords"] = ["example", "artificial"]

or, using an intermediate Message object:

with"utf-8") as f:
    msg = email.message_from_file(f)
metadata = pkg_metadata.msg_to_dict(msg)
metadata["keywords"] = ["example", "artificial"]

In addition to the metadata file format, project metadata can also be specified in the pyproject.toml file, in TOML format as specified in PEP 621. This library provides a function to read the [project] section of pyproject.toml and convert it into a ("JSON format") metadata dictionary.

  • pyproject_to_dict(pyproject) - convert pyproject.toml metadata into a metadata dictionary. The pyproject argument is a dictionary representing the data in the [project] section of pyproject.toml.


with open("pyproject.toml", "rb") as f:
    pyproject_data = tomli.load(f)

metadata = pkg_metadata.pyproject_to_dict(pyproject_data["project"])