This repository contains source code for DeBot engine that allow interaction with Free Ton (freeTON) blockchain from web pages.
To easy make the deployment process you need to install everdev
npm i -everdev
After this step you can install tonos-cli
everdev install tonos-cli
Install Docker
npm run run-tonos
Deploy DeBot on the local blockchain for Windows
Deploy DeBot on the local blockchain for Linux
To test deployed DeBot
tonos-cli --config ./demoBot/tonos-cli.local-config.json debot fetch 0:dc85009c3cea9bf8849dcd5cb58d36eec5d0fe0aa9c882797483bf3a1b95f0ff
To run development process
npm start
Navigate in your browser to the http://localhost:10002/debot-browser/index.html to develop "debot browser"
Navigate in your browser to the http://localhost:10002/embed-tool/index.html to develop "embed tool"
To test the code embedding for direct way needs to change content in this file and then navigate to this page
To test the code embedding for iframe way needs to change content in this file and then navigate to this page
To prepare distribution file needs to run
npm run dist
To embed DeBot on any web page you need to select network and enter DeBot address. You can adjust Debot UI by changing css variables. Available these variables:
Name | Default value |
--debot-browser-bg-color | #ffffff |
--debot-browser-bg-secondary-color | #f3f3f6 |
--debot-browser-color-primary | #14854F |
--debot-browser-color-lightGrey | #d2d6dd |
--debot-browser-color-grey | #747681 |
--debot-browser-color-darkGrey | #3f4144 |
--debot-browser-color-error | #d43939 |
--debot-browser-color-success | #28bd14 |
--debot-browser-grid-maxWidth | 60rem |
--debot-browser-grid-gutter | 1rem |
--debot-browser-font-size | 1rem |
--debot-browser-font-color | #333333 |
--debot-browser-font-family-sans | -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Avenir, "Avenir Next", "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu" "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif |
--debot-browser-font-family-mono | monaco, "Consolas", "Lucida Console", monospace |
Also it is possible to redefine css on elements and create own UI.
You can select/adjust:
- network
- address
- language (or specify own from external file, you must to use this template for a translation creating)
- handler way for used cards
- UI styles
- Embedding way (tick iframe if need to embed iframe way)
To deploy you must to change CDN_URL in rollup.config.js
It is possible to use two ways:
- Code for direct embedding. Web element (Component).
- Iframe.
For direct embedding way you can use code from "embed tool". For Iframe need to place code from "embed tool" to any web page. For example on and then insert URL to the Iframe. For example:
<iframe width="300" height="200" src="SOURCE_FROM_"></iframe>