- gcc-arm-embedded
- make
- PackTag & PushTool from LinkIt One SDK (available for Windows/Mac)
Add gcc-arm-embedded path to PATH variable, create tools
direcotry and put PackTag & PushTool into it.
make flash PORT={linkit one debug port}
Use serial port tool like miniterm.py to open linkit one modem port and enter:
print('hello, lua')
- audio.play('music.mp3')
- audio.pause()
- audio.resume()
- audio.stop()
- audio.set_volome(n), n from 1 to 6
- audio.get_volome()
- gsm.call(phone_number)
- gsm.hang()
- gsm.accept()
- gsm.on_incoming_call(function (phone_number) print('incoming call') end)
- gsm.text(phone_number, message)
- gsm.on_new_message(function (phone_number, message) print('got a message') end)
- id = timer.create(interval, repeat_function)
- timer.delete(id)
- gpio.mode(pin, mode) - mode: gpio.INPUT, gpio.OUTPUT, gpio.INPUT_PULLUP
- gpio.read(pin)
- gpio.write(pin, value)