A web app for a fictional robot-themed restaurant! Customers are able to place take-out orders for pickup, and the restaurant can accept and mark orders as completed. All with text notifications via Twilio!
- Sabrina Wang : front-end, design/art 🌸
- Khalil Mubarak: back-end 💻
- Pauline Revilla: database 💾
- add various menu items to cart
- place order
- view existing and past orders (with dates/timestamps and statuses)
- gets text notifications upon order acceptance (with time estimate), rejection, and/or completion
- can view existing and past orders (with dates/timestamps and statuses)
- can accept pending orders and give estimated pick-up time
- can mark "in progress" orders as completed (sending an updated text to customer)
- gets text notifications upon receiving new order, and confirmation text for rejecting order
- user authentication for both vendor and customer accounts
- menu management for vendor (add, edit, delete menu items)
- replace placeholder content (menu items and images, text blurbs)
🎵🎶 When a grid's misaligned, with a like one behind, that's a Moiré. 🎶🎵
🎵🎶 Remove any background pattern distortion by opening in full size! 🎵🎶
- bcrypt: ^5.1.0
- body-parser: ^1.20.2
- chalk: ^2.4.2
- cookie-parser: ^1.4.6
- cookie-session: ^2.0.0
- dotenv: ^2.0.0
- ejs: ^2.6.2
- express: ^4.17.1
- morgan: ^1.9.1
- pg: ^8.5.0
- sass: ^1.35.1
- nodemon: ^2.0.10
- twilio: ^4.8.0
- Clone this repo
- Create the
according to.env.example
- local information provided:
- username:
- password:
- database:
- username:
- information required - Twilio:
- Twilio Account SID
- Twilio Auth Token
- Twilio Number
- Client Number
- local information provided:
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Fix to binaries for sass:
npm rebuild node-sass
- Reset the database:
npm run db:reset
- Run the server:
npm run local
ornpm run start
- Visit