Emre's various scripts, websites, logos, apps bygone...
Name | Date | Description |
Bayat Ekmek | 15.10.2015 | An unfinished mobile app about recipes with stale bread |
Name | Date | Description |
Fa Yapı | 15.09.2017 | The business card of Fa Yapı construction company |
Name | Date | Description |
TRS Lines | 09.01.2013 | The travel catalogs of TRS Lines from 2013 to 2014: http://trslines.com |
Name | Date | Description |
Çay Kahve Günlüğü | 30.03.2017 | The logo of Çay Kahve Günlüğü blog. |
Datça Naturel Evler | 13.07.2011 | The logo of Datça Naturel Evler touristic bungalows |
Fa Yapı | 03.07.2017 | The logo of Fa Yapı construction company |
GC Mühendislik | 15.06.2015 | The logo of GC Mühendislik telecommunication company |
Geylani Mühendislik | 26.05.2015 | The logo of Geylani Mühendislik construction company |
Lincat | 28.08.2015 | The logo of unfinished language app Lincat |
Ren Creative Solutions | 19.03.2012 | The logo of Ren Creative Solutions |
Name | Date | Description |
Komutan Kenan | 09.02.2017 | "İstanbul'un gerçek fatihi Kenan Komutan'ın bir oyunu olsa dedim ve öylesine bir çizim yaptım. Ortaya bu karakter çıktı: ![]() |
Name | Date | Description |
batch-downloader-with-custom-name.sh | 14.10.2014 | Reads each line of res.txt and downloads them as line.jpg . |
creative-escape-room-script.sh | 26.11.2015 | Prompts user and shows texts/images, plays videos depending on the input. An attempt to create an interactive helper for a physical escape room with a pc. |
indir-dizi-behzat-c.py | 16.03.2013 | Downloads episodes of Turkish series Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi. |
indir-dizi-leyla-ile-mecnun.sh | 22.01.2017 | Downloads episodes of Turkish series Leyla ile Mecnun. |
indir-haber-bbc-turkce-aksam-haberleri.sh | 11.12.2008 | Downloads daily podcast of BBC Turkish evening news which has ended as of 27.05.2011. |
indir-haber-rfi.sh | 27.02.2013 | Downloads daily podcast of Journal en français facile. |
video-converter-for-creative-zen.sh | 26.04.2010 | Converts given video file into 320p format that portable media player Creative Zen supports. |
Name | Date | Description |
Çevir | 05.09.2018 | "Aradiginiz metin once Google ile Ingilizce'ye cevrilecek. Metin dili otomatik olarak belirleniyor, Turkce de olabilir Hollandaca da... Ingilizce sonuc ise Tureng'de tekrar Turkce'ye cevrilecek." |
Datça Naturel Evler | 13.07.2011 | The website of Datça Naturel Evler touristic bungalows: http://www.datcanaturelevler.com/ This is the earliest date I could find on the Wayback Machine. Probably the original asset was way older. |
Edu Teknoloji | 25.10.2016 | The website of Edu Teknoloji company: http://eduteknoloji.com.tr/ |
Fa Yapı | 23.05.2017 | The website of Fa Yapı construction company: http://famodern.com.tr/ |
Haberler | 27.03.2017 | An early version of NeHaber. Probably older than 2017, it's the last modified date I could found. |
Logo | 05.06.2017 | A draft invoice editor layout for Logo Software. The original project was an Angular 2 app. |
Manşetler | 11.09.2014 | Another early version of NeHaber. Probably older than 2014 (at least 2013), it's the last modified date I could found. |
Maximum | 03.11.2016 | The campaign website of Maximum credit card, by Turkey's biggest private bank: https://www.maximum.com.tr |
Verapi | 02.03.2017 | The website of API Portal app, a Verapi Software service: https://apiportal.com/ |