This is a composite run steps action to simplify a call to the OpenAPI linter created by PayGo.
It runs the Docker image from a private container registry to validate an OpenAPI file.
Although this is a public repository, the validation project is a property of PayGo.
This action can be run on ubuntu-latest
or linux based runners provided by PayGo.
This is a minimal step to use paygoc6/openapi-linter
- uses: paygoc6/openapi-linter@v1
registry: my_registry
You must login to the Docker registry beforehand to be able to use this action.
The action supports the following inputs:
- (required) The registry URL to pull the image.mario-version
- (optional) Mario image version to run the linter. Default isv1
- (optional) Path where the OpenAPI file will be available on runtime. Default istarget/swagger
- (optional) Name of the OpenAPI file. Default isswagger.json
By now, no outputs are set for this action.