This is the full assembler code for the Atari XL/XE Behold demo by Suspect. It can be assembled using MADS and has been written using the WUDSN environment for Eclipse. It can also be assembled using VS Code and the Atasm Altirra Bridge extension, specifying MADS as the assember in the extension's preferences.
Title: Behold
Authors: Kane/Suspect (code), ArtB/Suspect (gfx), Wiecz0r/Lamers (msx)
Required HW: Stock Atari 65XE, 800XL or 130XE. 2 POKEYs recommended for ultimate Stereo sound experience but works on one.
Party: Silly Venture 2021, 20-22 August 2021, Gdansk, Poland
Compo: Atari XL/XE Demo (standard HW)
Place: #1