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Scripts to run Bill Swope's conformer energy analysis


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Scripts to run Bill Swope's conformer energy analysis

NC Number of QM conformers 
NM Number of QM matches with any of the MM structures
NO Number of QM orphans: QM structures that don’t match with any MM struc. within a threshold
EO 10*(num orph)/(num conf): maximum # of confs is 10, might be an equalization metric for # of orphans
PC Num cases match .ne. p-c: Cases where the QM has a close match to a different MM struc (not a parent-child)
LQ 1 if lowest QM is orphan: If the low energy QM does not have any MM matches
LF 1 of lowest FF is orphan: If the MM minima does not correspond to any QM
BF Num FF strucs below ref: Number of FF structures below the reference FF struc that matches to the QM minima
MO FF strucs out of order: number of FF structures out of order rel to QM order
BE Num small dE large ddE: number of cases where ddE is large but dE is small
QS Num 2Q:1F matches: Cases where more than one QM matches to a single FF struc
FS Num 1Q:2F matches: Cases where more than one FF matches to a single QM struc
SC 0-99 score: (# of QM matches - # of flagged cases with BE)/total_qm_conf, higher the better
NL 0-99 score lowE passes: how many have |ddE|<2 among low energy confs (|dE|<4), higher the better 

File manifest - takes in the QM and MM files (both ordered the same, n^{th} molecule in each are the same)

name_map_to_qca_id.json - name map from QCA id to industry benchmark set compound id

computermsd.f - computes the QM x MM RMSD matrix - creates a QM x MM matrix in a format similar to the fortran script which calculates RMSD

computematch.f - computes the fingerprint based on the QM x MM RMSD/TFD matrix for each molecule

computematch.out - compiled executable

computermsd.out - compiled executable - utility script to extract a molecule by name

MM-all.sdf - MM optimized conformer geometries in SDF format

qm-all-annotated.sdf - QM reference conformer geometries in SDF format

./test-data - directory created with the script

compile the fortran files

Compile the fortran files computermsd.f and computematch.f using gfortran.

gfortran computermsd.f -llapack -o computermsd.out
gfortran computematch.f -llapack -o computematch.out

Scripts to create the input files from the QM and MM files

QM references in one file and corresponding MM reference in the other. This script will create directories in the format needed by the above scripts (compute*)

python --qm_file_name qm-all-annotated.sdf --mm_file_name MM-all.sdf --iter_name test

run the bash script to generate report

Copy the bash script to the data folder and run it


Scripts to run Bill Swope's conformer energy analysis







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