This repo follows a guide on my blog for setting up a full Expressjs project.
It is based on a npm-starter-vcs which focuses on setting up a bare VCS project using a styleguide and basic VCS configuration. See that project for how to delete history and make your own git project based on the the starter files.
This is part of an ongoing series of articles for setting up a full client/server Express based node application.
- 0: Environment Setup, Eslint, Airbnb style guide, Prettier
- 1: Project Configuration, Node env vs Project env
- 2: Middleware, Logging: Winston & Morgan
- 3: Data Storage: Native Mongodb
- 4: Authentication: Middleware & Secure Cookies
- 5: Testing: Jest and Supertest
- 6: Code Documentation: JsDoc
- 7: Client JS bundling, Rollup
- 8: Security: Helmet
- 9: Optimization: Compression
Each of the above represent code after each blogpost of the aformentioned name. Code is tagged following each post.