This repository contains the code for a solution that:
- Scans the AEMO Wholesale Electricity Market data portal for files and their properties
- Creates a database and visualisation to tell stories about those files
- Uses schedules to orchestrates pipelines and build runs that regenerate data visualisations every 6 hours.
The aim is actually about exploring technologies rather than any significant insight. The repository is organised as follows:
- /inventory-evidence/ contains the visualisation solution built using
- /inventory-scraper/ contains the Python web scraper that scans the directory listings, emits JSON catalogues and saves them to S3
- /terraform/ contains the infrastructure as code (IAC) that delivers the infrastructure to orchestrate and run pipelines that scrape data and create DuckDB databases
- /.github/ contains the CICD workflows that run in Github Actions. These deploy IAC to AWS, and deploy the Evidence website to S3 where it is served by CloudFront