An application showing latest covid-19 statistics at global level and broken across 210 countries. The source of the data comes from API, which in turn sources from John Hopkins University, Worldometers and others.
See the live app hosted here
- Positive test cases and deaths shown for current day, previous day, trend from current to previous day and totals at the global level and for each country.
- Countries can be bookmarked, and the display changed to show bookmarked countries, or all countries.
- Countries can be sorted by various metrics, such as daily cases descending/ascending.
- Clicking on a country will show further statistics and detailed data in a serious of interative charts.
- Responsive design for use on tablet and mobile devices.
Current hosting status:
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Change to the covid19-tracker client directory e.g.
cd covid19-tracker/client
- Install
npm install
- Inside the /client/src/ directory, create an '.env' environment file and populate with the following content:-
- Run app
npm start
- Show some charts for global statistics, such as a pie charts for cases and deaths by continent.
- Automatically fetch latest data and update statistics on screen.
- Dark mode
Happy to have contributions. See listed enhancements or pick your own. Fork the repository, make your changes and then raise a pull request. Thanks! 💙
Licensed under the GNU (General Public) License.