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A set of scripts to create Apache Storm clusters and Apache Zookeeper on Linode's cloud using their API.

What problems does it solve?

  • Helps you create large Storm clusters on Linode's affordable cloud.

  • Allows you to expand a Storm cluster with just 1 command.

    All necessary configuration and security changes are taken care of by the scripts.

  • Linode's fast network enables downloading large datasets quickly.

  • Far quicker than manually creating Virtualbox VM clusters on your dev machine, and far more performant too.

  • Creates necessary configuration files like /etc/hosts, storm.yaml and zoo.cfg dynamically.

    No need to edit dozens of configuration files. Much less scope for configuration bugs.

  • All nodes are secured using tight firewall rules and key based SSH authentication.


  • A workstation running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS or Debian 8

Step 1 - Get a Linode API key

See Generating an API key.

Step 2 - Setup a Cluster Manager Linode

  1. Run these commands on your workstation:

    git clone ""
    cd storm-linode
    git checkout $(git describe $(git rev-list --tags='release*' --max-count=1))
    chmod +x *.sh *.py
    sudo apt-get install python2.7 curl
    cp api_env_example.conf api_env_linode.conf
    nano -Y sh api_env_linode.conf
  2. Set LINODE_KEY to the API key generated in Step 1 and close editor.

  3. Open in an editor and set ROOT_PASSWORD.

    Change other configuration properties if required. Their descriptions are in the comments.

  4. Setup the Cluster Manager Linode:

    ./ create-linode api_env_linode.conf

    Note down the public IP address of the Cluster Manager Linode.

  5. Log in to the Cluster Manager as root using the clustermgrroot private key, change its hostname and assign passwords to users:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgrroot root@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    sed -i -r "s/*$/\tclustermgr/" /etc/hosts
    echo clustermgr > /etc/hostname
    hostname clustermgr
    passwd clustermgr
    passwd clustermgrguest
  6. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    cp api_env_example.conf api_env_linode.conf
    nano -Y sh api_env_linode.conf

    Set LINODE_KEY to the API key generated in Step 1. Set CLUSTER_MANAGER_NODE_PASSWORD to clustermgr user's password. Save and close the editor.

Step 3 - Create a Zookeeper Image

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ new-image-conf zk-image1
    nano -Y sh ./zk-image1/zk-image1.conf

    Set configuration properties. All are explained in detail in the comments. Mandatory are IMAGE_ROOT_PASSWORD and IMAGE_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

  2. Edit the other files in that image directory if required.

    zoo.cfg is the Zookeeper configuration file. Not necessary to enter any node list in this file. Script will take care of it later.

  3. Create the image:

    ./ create-image zk-image1 api_env_linode.conf

Step 4 - Create a Zookeeper Cluster

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ new-cluster-conf zk-cluster1
    nano -Y sh ./zk-cluster1/zk-cluster1.conf

    Set configuration properties. All are explained in detail in the comments. Mandatory are CLUSTER_NAME and ZK_IMAGE_CONF. CLUSTER_SIZE controls the cluster sizing.

  2. Create the cluster:

    ./ create zk-cluster1  api_env_linode.conf

Step 5 - Create a Storm Image

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ new-image-conf storm-image1
    nano -Y sh ./storm-image1/storm-image1.conf

    Set configuration properties. All are explained in detail in the comments. Mandatory are IMAGE_ROOT_PASSWORD and IMAGE_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

  2. Edit the other files in that image directory if required.

    template-storm.yaml is the Storm configuration file with reasonable defaults.

  3. Create the image:

    ./ create-image  storm-image1 api_env_linode.conf

Step 6 - Create a Storm Cluster

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ new-cluster-conf storm-cluster1
    nano -Y sh ./storm-cluster1/storm-cluster1.conf

    Set configuration properties. All are explained in detail in the comments. Mandatory are CLUSTER_NAME, STORM_IMAGE_CONF and ZOOKEEPER_CLUSTER. NIMBUS_NODE, SUPERVISOR_NODES and CLIENT_NODE control the cluster sizing.

  2. Create the cluster:

    ./ create storm-cluster1  api_env_linode.conf

Step 7 - Start a Storm Cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
cd storm-linode
./ start storm-cluster1  api_env_linode.conf

Monitor a Storm Cluster

Only whitelisted IP addresses can monitor a Storm Cluster using its Storm UI web application.

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
  2. Open [your-cluster]/[your-cluster]-client-user-whitelist.ipsets in an editor.

    It's an ipsets list of whitelisted IP addresses.

    Uncomment the line that creates the [your-cluster]-ipwl ipset.

    Add the IP addresses to whitelist under it.

    Finally add [your-cluster]-ipwl to the master ipset [your-cluster]-uwls

  3. Run this command to update firewall rules across all nodes of the cluster:

    ./ update-user-whitelist storm-cluster1
  4. Open Storm UI web app at http://public-IP-of-client-node from any of these whitelisted machines.

Test a Storm cluster

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ describe storm-cluster1

    Note down the private IP address of client node.

  2. Log in from cluter manager node to the client node as clusteradmin using the clusteradmin private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clusteradmin clusteradmin@<client-node-ip-address>
    cd /opt/apache-storm-0.9.5/bin
    ./storm jar ../examples/storm-starter/storm-starter-topologies-0.9.5.jar storm.starter.WordCountTopology "wordcount" 
  3. Open Storm UI web app at http://public-IP-of-client-node from one of the whitelisted machines, and verify that wordcount topology is being executed.

Start a new topology

Develop your topology and package it as a JAR. Then follow the same steps as Test a Storm cluster but submit your JAR and your topology class instead of wordcount.

Expand a Storm cluster

  1. Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
  2. Expand nodes by specifying number of new nodes and their plans in plan:count plan:count.... syntax:

    ./ add-nodes storm-cluster1  api_env_linode.conf "2GB:1 4GB:2"
  3. Rebalance topologies after adding to distribute tasks to new nodes.

Describe a Storm cluster

For user with clustermgr authorization, log in to the Cluster Manager Linode as clustermgr using clustermgr authorized private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ describe <target-cluster-name>

For user with clustermgrguest authorization, log in to the Cluster Manager Linode as clustermgrguest using clustermgrguest authorized private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgrguest clustermgrguest@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ list
    ./ info <target_cluster>

Stop a Storm cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ stop storm-cluster1 api_env_linode.conf

Destroy a Storm cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ destroy storm-cluster1 api_env_linode.conf

Run a command on all nodes of Storm cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ run storm-cluster1 "<cmds>"

The commands are run as root user on each node.

Copy file(s) to all nodes of Storm cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ cp storm-cluster1 "." "<files>"

The files are copied as root user on each node.

Delete a Storm image

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ delete-image storm-image1 api_env_linode.conf

Describe a Zookeeper cluster

For user with clustermgr authorization, log in to the Cluster Manager Linode as clustermgr using clustermgr authorized private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ describe <target-cluster-name>

For user with clustermgrguest authorization, log in to the Cluster Manager Linode as clustermgrguest using clustermgrguest authorized private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgrguest clustermgrguest@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ list
    ./ info <target_cluster>

Stop a Zookeeper cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ stop zk-cluster1 api_env_linode.conf

Destroy a Zookeeper cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ destroy zk-cluster1 api_env_linode.conf

Run a command on all nodes of Zookeeper cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ run zk-cluster1  "<cmds>"

The commands are run as root user on each node.

Copy file(s) to all nodes of Zookeeper cluster

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ cp zk-cluster1  "." "<files>"

The files are copied as root user on each node.

Delete a Zookeeper image

Log in to the Cluster Manager as clustermgr using the clustermgr private key:

    ssh -i ~/.ssh/clustermgr clustermgr@PUBLIC-IP-OF-CLUSTER-MANAGER-LINODE
    cd storm-linode
    ./ delete-image zk-image1 api_env_linode.conf




Deploy Apache Storm cluster on Linode cloud







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