This project implements a sentiment analyzer Storm topology for Reddit comments.
It demonstrates how Storm can be used for realtime mining and aggregation of high velocity data streams.
Given a list of subreddits, the topology polls the RSS feeds of each subreddit every 30 secs, updates comment counts, calculates sentiment scores for comments, and publishes the results to the cluster's associated Zookeeper server/cluster at the znode path "/reddit".
A Viewer App subscribes to the same Zookeeper server/cluster, monitors changes to "/reddit", and displays the results whenever they change.
Sentiment Calculation
The sentiment score calculation is a very naive one - simply sum up AFINN scores of all words in each comment.
There is no machine learning or statistical model implemented here, but implementing one should be fairly straightforward using Trident ML.
See SentimentCalculatorBolt for calculation implementation.
to any node of the Storm cluster.$ wget
Start the topology using this command line:
$ storm jar redditsentiment-cluster-all.jar storm.redditsentiment.RedditSentimentTopology <subreddit-1> <subreddit-2> ...
$ storm jar redditsentiment-cluster-all.jar storm.redditsentiment.RedditSentimentTopology worldnews technology science
The topology publishes 3 lists:
Top 5 most commented stories across all given subreddits
Top 5 stories with most positive comments across all given subreddits
Top 5 stories with most negative comments across all given subreddits
Run the Viewer App to display these lists in realtime:
System Requirements:
- One of OpenJDK or Oracle's JRE7 or JRE8 should be installed
to a machine which can access the Zookeeper server/cluster.$ wget
Find out the IP address and port of Zookeeper server or any node of the Zookeeper cluster. Examine the Storm cluster's
for these settings. The Zookeeper port is usually 2181 for a standalone Zookeeper node, or 2000 for Storm's embedded Zookeeper node when running in local mode. -
Run the Viewer App:
$ java -jar redditsentiment-viewer.jar [IP-ADDRESS-OF-ZOOKEEPER-NODE] [PORT-OF-ZOOKEEPER-DAEMON]
Viewer screenshot
It's possible to test the topology in Storm's local cluster mode on a development machine.
System Requirements:
- One of OpenJDK or Oracle's JRE7 or JRE8 should be installed
to development machine.$ wget
Start the local Storm harness and topology using this command line:
$ java -jar redditsentiment-local-all.jar LOCAL <subreddit-1> <subreddit-2> ...
Run the Viewer App as described in View Results, giving
as Zookeeper host and port.
System Requirements:
- One of OpenJDK or Oracle's JRE7 or JRE8 should be installed
Install Apache Maven2/3
Clone this repo:
$ git clone $ cd reddit-sentiment-storm
Run Maven compilation and packaging tasks:
reddit-sentiment-storm$ mvn clean package`
3 JARs are produced under
This JAR is suitable for deploying on a Storm cluster.
This JAR is for testing the topology in a standalone Storm harness on your development machine. See Test topology on local storm cluster.
This is the Viewer console app JAR to display results of the analysis. See View Results.
- This project uses the AFINN database for word sentiment scores. See Citation below.
- Finn Årup Nielsen, "A new ANEW: evaluation of a word list for sentiment analysis in microblogs", Proceedings of the ESWC2011 Workshop on 'Making Sense of Microposts': Big things come in small packages. Volume 718 in CEUR Workshop Proceedings: 93-98. 2011 May. Matthew Rowe, Milan Stankovic, Aba-Sah Dadzie, Mariann Hardey (editors) Paper with supplement:
All code is licensed under MIT License, Copyright Karthik Shiraly
AFINN is licensed under the Open Database License, Copyright F.Nielsen