Tags: pastelsky/bundlephobia
Annotated historical graphs Historical package graphs are now annotated with icons so it becomes easier to correlate big changes in package sizes with addition of ESM exports or marking of side effects. Example: In the case of `date-fns`: https://bundlephobia.com/[email protected] <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8946207/67782106-5fbc8080-fa8e-11e9-95e6-43aec6095932.png" height="400"> Correct multipliers in similar package suggestions The size multipliers in these cards are now accurate thanks to – (bd7fcc5)
Better errors for unsupported packages For packages that are unsupported (now and in the future) – possibly because package size isn't a useful metric for them – we now call this out explictly. For eg– https://bundlephobia.com/result?p=@types/node upport for building CLI tools Added support for a new class of packages – CLI tools. Such tools usually have an entry point that begins with a `#!/usr/bin/node` or something similar, and these are stripped out now.