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2023.06.28 Meeting Notes

Philipp Grete edited this page Jul 13, 2023 · 3 revisions

Tentative agenda

Individual/group updates


  • fixes bugs in sparse comm (tracking buffers)
  • zero-buffer alloc load balancing, ready for re-review, but no major change since first round of review
  • talked to PM/JM about "corrections" for (faces, edges, ...) fields
    • concept of "ownership" (only once cell determines the state of a given shared element)
    • a cell on the finest level should have priority
    • working on framework to include this concept based on "largest morton number and highest lvl) as logical location


  • focusing on getting kharma stable on latest develop
  • ran scaling tests on Frontier, ran into issues with MPI transport layers. It's a known issue


  • ran into issue with yt on Riot outputs for scalar fields that are not length 1 vectors)
  • will fix (see yt below)


  • working with LR
  • bringing riot up to develop, key piece missing is custom load balancing
  • added KH EOS to singularity EOS


  • fixed Kokkos 4 and updated CI
  • tracking down IO issues on Frontier, added more profiling regions and allow soft-disable filter


  • yes we want it
  • the latest draft looks good
  • would be nice to have some mesh refinement included
  • should also work in square format
  • Ben will update


  • currently fails more often than usual because the node is overused (by other work)
  • solution for now: just re-run fail jobs and they'll eventually pass (highest likelyhood during nighttime in Germany)
  • PG applied for money to get a separate CI node but will only know mid/end July if that goes through
  • Check with OLCF if there's infrastructure we could use (Slate?)


  • move fast to get it upstream
  • focus on clean frontend for AthenaPK and a working frontend for other codes (i.e., can work with raw data etc but no guarantee for automatic derived fields etc)
  • other frontends can be added/expanded later when required

ghost cell bug(?)

  • PM discovered round of level error in few ghost cells even at the first cycle when run on different number of ranks (CPU only runs)
  • error seems to show up at face where prolongation happens
  • suggested further debugging approach
    • change so simple prolongation ( to reduce prolongation stencil)
    • use different number of meshblock packs (currently just one pack per rank)
    • try to compare to a GPU run (currently only CPU runs)

Next meeting

  • talk about IO design for non-cell centered fields
  • tentative 13 Jul
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