Remembering all create to create an app is sucks.
Install one create to run every create.
npm i -g @rustyrush/the-create
thecreate --help
thecreate <directory/app/project name> --pm<package manager> --fw<framework/library>
Creating Vite based project with Bun
thecreate my-app --pm=bun --fw=vite
# OR
the-create my-app --pm bun --fw vite
# OR
thecreate --fw=vite
# RustyRush creating your app...
cd my-app
# manually install dependencies
bun i
# open your code editor
vim .
- Analog:
- Astro:
- Epic:
- Next:
- Nuxt:
- One:
- Preact:
- Qwik:
- ReactNative:
- Redwood:
- Remix:
- SolidStart:
- SvelteKit:
- React Tanning Template:
- Umi:
- Vite:
- Waku: