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oliver408i edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

This page was created because there are a few common issues new users have.

Missing Vault or Economy Plugin

Missing Vault

You're missing Vault, so you will receive an UnknownDependencyException:

Could not load 'plugins/GUIShop.jar' in folder 'plugins'
org.bukkit.plugin.UnknownDependencyException: Vault

Missing Economy Plugin

You have Vault but you do not have an economy plugin, so GUIShop will tell you about it:

[GUIShop] Vault could not detect an economy plugin!

Vault is not an economy plugin. It is an API for other plugins to work with economy features. You need a Vault-compatible economy plugin for GUIShop to work.

Cannot sell items

You see this:

You haven't configured the sell-price of the item. To specify the sell-price, find the item in the shops.yml. For example, here is an emerald item with a sell-price of 50:

    type: SHOP
    id: EMERALD
    buy-price: 150.0
    sell-price: 50.0 # This line is required if you want the item to be sold

You can see more about this here: Configurating the Plugin

Non-OPs see a blank shop GUI

You observe that non-OPs see a blank shop GUI, without any items. This is because you did not setup your permissions correctly. Grant all players* so they can see all shops. Use[shopname] for individual shops.