This project has a few goals:
- Implement raytracing and a family of rendering algorithms using C++
- Implement expansion style rendering techniques such as Monte Carlo Path Tracing (both bidirectional and unidirectional), Metropolis Light Transport, Photon Mapping
- Support multiple shading models like Blinn-Phong, Cook-Torrance, and other microfacet models
- Render images with complex lighting interactions like indirect illumination, dispersion, sub-surface scattering
- Implement an acceleration structure, such as a Bounding Voume Hierarchy or a Binary Space Partitioning Tree to make the ray-scene intersection loop run in sub-linear time
- Support both RGB and spectral rendering
- Implement noice reduction methods like next event estimation
- High Dynamic Range images?
This is a work in progress project, maybe this will be updated in the future
Compile reference materials to nice looking PDFs using pandoc:
pandoc [] -o [reference.pdf]