Lnj Merchants App Repository is an ongoing project,π§ Look how this app was designed and built in the design case study, and architecture learning journey.
Lnj Merchants App is a revolutionary B2B e-commerce platform connecting wholesalers and distributors with retailers. It simplifies the buying and selling journey, ensuring an effortless, efficient, and cost-effective procurement process.
Smart Comparison [Enabled] β
- Users can select products without initially viewing prices.
- Confirm selected items in the temp cart, allowing the system to aggregate and present personalized deals.
- Enables users to choose suppliers and products with predefined prices, adding them to the main cart.
- Allows users to select a specific company, choose products with specified prices, and add them to the main cart.
- The Lnj Merchants App provides a user-friendly side menu, offering easy access to essential features such as order history, offers, wallet, notifications, settings, and contact options. Navigate seamlessly through these functionalities to enhance your overall B2B e-commerce experience. Focus on smart purchasing decisions and efficient transactions with the Lnj Merchants App.
Lnj Merchants App uses the Gradle build system and can be imported directly into Android Studio, ensure you are using
- Android Studio Hedgehog | 2023.1.1 Patch 1 here
- Kotlin Version: 1.9.22
- Android Gradle Plugin Version: 8.2
Change the run configuration to app
Once you're up and running, you can refer to the learning journeys below to get a better understanding of which libraries and tools are being used, the reasoning behind the approaches to UI, architecture, and more, and how all of these different pieces of the project fit together to create a complete app.
The Lnj Merchants app follows the official architecture guidance and is described in detail in the architecture learning journey.
The app was designed using Material 2 guidelines. Learn more about the design process and obtain the design files in the Lnj Merchants App Material 2 Case Study). The Screens and UI elements are built entirely using Layouts in Views.
The app has a single-light mode theme
Find out more about the UI architecture here.
- Kotlin and Kotlin DSL
- MVVM architecture pattern with multiple modules for clear separation of concerns and enhanced maintainability
- Dependency injection with Hilt for efficient dependency injection.
- Retrofit for seamless networking
- Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous programming
- StateFlow and SharedFlow for streamlined state management
- Navigation component for smooth transitions between screens
- Glide for efficient image loading
- DataStore for efficient data storage and retrieval in Android applications.
This app uses Clean Architecture With MVVM (Model View View-Model) architecture.