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Proposed ADIOS2 architecture based on standard OSI 7 layer model

williamfgc edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 3 revisions

Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model, ISO/IEC 7498-1 standard references:

Original source: Cisco

ADIOS2 code organization structure proposed amendments to comply with the standard OSI model:

└─── public (rename core, OSI layer 7 application) 
└─── engine (layer 7 -> public, system layers 6,5,4 -> protected, private)
└─── presentation (OSI layer 6)
|    |
|    │   
|    └─── transform (same)
|    |    │   
│    │    └─── compression (bzip2, zfp, szip, ...)    
|    |    └─── vis   
│    │   
│    └─── format
│    │    │   
│    │    └─── bp1
│    │    └─── bp2
│    |
│    └─── analytics (can be treated as managing collective transforms)
│         │   
│         └─── visVTKm (from hackathon)
│         └─── pca
│         └─── SVD 
└─── session (renaming TransportMan, OSI layer 5)
│    │   
│    └─── fileSession
│    |
│    └─── dataMan
│    |
│    └─── dataSpaces
|    |
│    └─── sst
└─── transport (same, OSI layer 4)
|    │   
│    └─── file (POSIX, stdio, fstream, ...)
│    └─── wan (libZmq, ... )
│    └─── shmem (SystemV, mmap, ... )
│    └─── rdma (ibverbs, nvlink, ... )
|    └─── multitier (ceph)
└─── interop (same, OSI layers 6,5,4)
     └─── adios1
     └─── hdf5