Releases: opsre/WatchAlert
Releases · opsre/WatchAlert
What's Changed
- Fix reset timer in rule eval by @wangyanzhao in #143
- Add Redis database configuration and modify the connection logic. by @jinronga in #145
New Contributors
- @wangyanzhao made their first contribution in #143
Full Changelog: v3.0.4...v3.0.5
What's Changed
- 0326 test parser event by @Cairry in #1
- [feat]: 优化日志告警消费逻辑 by @Cairry in #2
- [feat]: 优化告警恢复的消费逻辑 by @Cairry in #3
- [del]: 删除多余日志 by @Cairry in #4
- 0326 test parser event by @Cairry in #5
- [feat]: 优化dashboard api by @Cairry in #6
- 0326 test parser event by @Cairry in #7
- Tenant by @Cairry in #10
- [fix]: bug by @Cairry in #11
- [feat]: 租户校验 by @Cairry in #12
- [feat]: 优化请求日志格式 by @Cairry in #13
- feat by @Cairry in #15
- Add auditLog and optimize api by @Cairry in #16
- Tenant by @Cairry in #17
- fix audit log 502 by @Cairry in #18
- fix audit log 502 by @Cairry in #19
- fix rule quota by @Cairry in #20
- update docs by @Cairry in #21
- feat: add search functions by @Cairry in #22
- [del]: 删除多余内容 by @Cairry in #23
- [feat]: datasource check by @Cairry in #24
- [fix]: delete rule tmpl failed, update rule error by @Cairry in #25
- add workflows ci by @Cairry in #26
- fix bug by @Cairry in #27
- update by @Cairry in #29
- update docs by @Cairry in #31
- add aws cloudwatch datasource and rule; by @Cairry in #35
- feat search by @Cairry in #36
- fix calendar create filed, to time. by @Cairry in #37
- add week schedule calendar. by @Cairry in #38
- Fix only get duty user by @Cairry in #39
- Fix calendar update failed by @Cairry in #40
- Bug fix update notice 403 by @ZhaoBaymax in #41
- Buf fix gin mode not work by @ZhaoBaymax in #43
- Add system settings and email notice type by @Cairry in #42
- Update deploy init sql by @Cairry in #52
- Fix build version is null by @Cairry in #54
- Add VictoriaMetrics datasource and prometheus query api by @Cairry in #55
- Add recover notify switch func(#53) by @Cairry in #56
- Improve notice template reusability(#50 ) by @Cairry in #58
- Fix audit log recorded wrong status by @Cairry in #59
- Reserve expired rule of the silence by @Cairry in #60
- Optimize tenant management add member and role by @Cairry in #62
- Fix init admin user tenants is null, del pointer by @Cairry in #63
- Add kubernetes event monitor by @Cairry in #64
- Fix missing jaeger datasource of the alert rule by @Cairry in #66
- Add ssl monitor by @Cairry in #67
- Fix prometheus query failed by @Cairry in #68
- Update notice template sql by @Cairry in #69
- Update deploy docs by @Cairry in #70
- Add alert rule of the elasticsearch datasource by @Cairry in #71
- fix notice_template_examples.sql format by @haigeek in #72
- Fix monitor consumer unlock invalid operate by @Cairry in #74
- Optimize alarm consumer logic by @Cairry in #75
- Optimize http package and add skip verify logic by @Cairry in #76
- Fix loki query log count wrong by @Cairry in #77
- Optimize kubernetes event type name mapping by @Cairry in #79
- Optimize part datasource check health logic by @Cairry in #80
- Optimize url format of the loki query api by @Cairry in #81
- Fix loki query log count by @Cairry in #82
- Optimize datasource provider logic by @Cairry in #83
- Fix part datasource check method wrong by @Cairry in #84
- Update admin permissions on initialization by @haigeek in #85
- refactor: 💡 update deploy and auto init db by @thirdcountry in #87
- Optimize grafana dashboard embedding method by @Cairry in #88
- Fix before delete datasource, check is not expect by @Cairry in #89
- 💡Supported LDAP system login by @Cairry in #92
- Feat/notice optmize by @thirdcountry in #90
- 💡 Support alert subscribe service by @Cairry in #93
- feat: 调整action打镜像,增加arm版本,增加同步到ali仓库,增加release的自动生成 by @eryajf in #101
- fix: 修复action版本 by @eryajf in #102
- 🚧 修复Check ElasticSearch数据源时未携带认证参数 by @youdian-xiaoshuai in #109
- 添加阿里云语音服务 by @lbzss in #119
- [bug] models json tag error by @lbzss in #122
- feat(notice): 增加飞书签名字段和生成签名逻辑 by @jinronga in #121
- 每个DatasourceId处理完后,立即调用t.Recover()和t.GC(),优化代码,增加debug日志 by @showsmall in #127
New Contributors
- @Cairry made their first contribution in #1
- @ZhaoBaymax made their first contribution in #41
- @haigeek made their first contribution in #72
- @thirdcountry made their first contribution in #87
- @eryajf made their first contribution in #101
- @youdian-xiaoshuai made their first contribution in #109
- @lbzss made their first contribution in #119
- @jinronga made their first contribution in #121
- @showsmall made their first contribution in #127
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0