Optune adjust driver that stores adjust state and returns it back on query.
On adjust, this driver saves the state that it receives. On query it takes the state defined in the driver config (lists all components and their settings, including default values), updates the settings values with the last state that it received on adjust (if present) and returns the result.
State is saved/read using an external library.
This driver requires configuration that lists the default state of the application - list of components, their settings and default values.
Adjust operations should only set values for settings that are listed in the config, anything else will be accepted but not returned on query.
Sample config.yaml
components: # required
web: # component name
type: enum
unit: ec2
step: 1
value: c5.2xlarge # default value
values: # list values to try
- c5.2xlarge
- m5.xlarge
- m5a.xlarge
type: range
min: 1
max: 50
step: 1
unit: count