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unifreq/openwrt_packit is an OpenWrt packaging script repository developed by Flippy
. It supports Allwinner (VPlus), Rockchip (BeikeYun, Chainedbox-L1-Pro, FastRhino-R66S/R68S, Radxa-5B/E25, Watermelon-pi, etc.), and Amlogic S9xxx series models such as S905x3, S905x2, S922x, S905x, S905d, S905, S912, etc.
This Actions uses his packaging scripts without any modification, only developed into a smart Action application, making the use of github Actions for packaging simpler and more personalized.
This Actions can be used by referencing it in the .github/workflows/*.yml
cloud compilation script, for example packaging-openwrt.yml. The code is as follows:
- name: Package OpenWrt Firmware
uses: ophub/flippy-openwrt-actions@main
OPENWRT_ARMVIRT: openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*.tar.gz
Based on the latest kernel packaging scripts released by Flippy
, optional parameter configurations have been made for Packaging Files
, make.env
, Select Kernel Version
, Select Box SoC
, and so on.
Parameter | Default | Description |
OPENWRT_ARMVIRT | None | Required. Set the file path for openwrt-armvirt-64-default-rootfs.tar.gz . You can use a relative path such as openwrt/bin/targets/*/*/*.tar.gz or a web file download link such as*/releases/*/*.tar.gz |
SCRIPT_REPO_URL | unifreq/openwrt_packit | Set <owner>/<repo> of the packaging script source repository |
SCRIPT_REPO_BRANCH | master | Set the branch of the packaging script source repository |
KERNEL_REPO_URL | breakingbadboy/OpenWrt | Set <owner>/<repo> of the kernel download repository, it downloads from the kernel Releases maintained by breakingbadboy by default. |
KERNEL_VERSION_NAME | 6.1.y_6.6.y | Set the Kernel version, you can check and select a specific one. You can specify a single kernel such as 6.1.y , or select multiple kernels connected with _ like 6.1.y_6.6.y |
KERNEL_AUTO_LATEST | true | Set whether to automatically adopt the latest version kernel of the same series. When set to true , it will automatically look for whether there is an updated version of the kernel specified in KERNEL_VERSION_NAME , such as 6.1.y , in the kernel library, and if there is an updated version, it will automatically replace it with the latest version. When set to false , it will compile the specified version kernel. |
PACKAGE_SOC | all | Set the SOC of the package box, the default is all to package all boxes, you can specify a single box like s905x3 , or select multiple boxes connected with _ like s905x3_s905d . The SoC codes for each box are: vplus , cm3 , jp-tvbox , beikeyun , l1pro , rock5b , rock5c , e52c , e54c , r66s , r68s , e25 , photonicat , watermelon-pi , zcube1-max , ht2 , e20c , h28k , h66k , h68k , h69k , h69k-max , h88k , h88k-v3 , rk3399 , s905 , s905d , s905x2 , s905x3 , s912 , s922x , s922x-n2 , qemu , diy . Note: s922x-n2 is s922x-odroid-n2 , diy is a custom box. |
GZIP_IMGS | auto | Set the format of the file compression after packaging, optional values are .gz (default) / .xz / .zip / .zst / .7z |
SELECT_PACKITPATH | openwrt_packit | Set the name of the packaging directory under /opt |
SELECT_OUTPUTPATH | output | Set the name of the firmware output directory in the ${SELECT_PACKITPATH} directory |
SCRIPT_VPLUS | | Set the script filename for packaging h6 vplus |
SCRIPT_CM3 | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3566 radxa-cm3-rpi-cm4-io |
SCRIPT_HT2 | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3528 ht2 |
SCRIPT_E20C | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3528 e20c |
SCRIPT_H28K | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3528 h28k |
SCRIPT_H66K | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 h66k |
SCRIPT_H68K | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 h68k |
SCRIPT_H69K | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 h69k |
SCRIPT_H88K | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3588 h88k/ak88 |
SCRIPT_H88KV3 | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3588 h88k-v3 |
SCRIPT_JPTVBOX | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3566 jp-tvbox |
SCRIPT_BEIKEYUN | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3328 beikeyun |
SCRIPT_L1PRO | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3328 l1pro |
SCRIPT_ZCUBE1MAX | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3399 zcube1-max |
SCRIPT_ROCK5B | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3588 rock5b |
SCRIPT_ROCK5C | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3588s rock5c |
SCRIPT_E52C | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3588s e52c |
SCRIPT_E54C | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3588s e54c |
SCRIPT_R66S | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 r66s |
SCRIPT_R68S | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 r68s |
SCRIPT_E25 | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 e25 |
SCRIPT_PHOTONICAT | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 photonicat |
SCRIPT_WATERMELONPI | | Set the script filename for packaging rk3568 watermelon-pi |
SCRIPT_S905 | | Set the script filename for packaging s905 mxqpro+ |
SCRIPT_S905D | | Set the script filename for packaging s905d n1 |
SCRIPT_S905X2 | | Set the script filename for packaging s905x2 x96max |
SCRIPT_S905X3 | | Set the script filename for packaging s905x3 multi |
SCRIPT_S912 | | Set the script filename for packaging s912 zyxq |
SCRIPT_S922X | | Set the script filename for packaging s922x gtking |
SCRIPT_S922X_N2 | | Set the script filename for packaging s922x odroid-n2 |
SCRIPT_QEMU | | Set the script filename for packaging qemu |
SCRIPT_DIY | | Set the script filename for packaging diy custom |
SCRIPT_DIY_PATH | None | Set the source path for SCRIPT_DIY . It can be a URL like https://weburl/mydiyfile or a relative path in your repository like script/ |
CUSTOMIZE_RK3399 | None | Set custom rk3399 device list, format: board1:dtb1/board2:dtb2 |
WHOAMI | flippy | Set the value for WHOAMI in make.env |
OPENWRT_VER | auto | Set the value for OPENWRT_VER in make.env . By default, auto will inherit the value from the file. When set to other parameters, it will replace the original parameter with the custom parameter |
SW_FLOWOFFLOAD | 1 | Set the value for SW_FLOWOFFLOAD in make.env |
HW_FLOWOFFLOAD | 0 | Set the value for HW_FLOWOFFLOAD in make.env |
SFE_FLOW | 1 | Set the value for SFE_FLOW in make.env |
ENABLE_WIFI_K504 | 1 | Set the value for ENABLE_WIFI_K504 in make.env |
ENABLE_WIFI_K510 | 1 | Set the value for ENABLE_WIFI_K510 in make.env |
DISTRIB_REVISION | R$(date +%m.%d) | Set the value for DISTRIB_REVISION in make.env |
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION | OpenWrt | Set the value for DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION in make.env |
💡 In general, using the default parameters is sufficient, but you can configure them according to your needs. For instance, if Flippy renames the packaging script making the original default script file unfindable, or if the firmware version number in make.env is not updated, you can use optional parameters for real-time specification and personalized configuration.
According to the standard of, 3 environment variables have been output for use in subsequent compilation steps. Since recently changed the settings of fork repositories, read-write permissions for Workflow are turned off by default. Therefore, Therefore, to upload to Releases, it is necessary to set Workflow read and write permissions
. For details, see User Manual.
Parameter | Default Value | Description |
${{ env.PACKAGED_OUTPUTPATH }} | /opt/openwrt_packit/output | Path of the folder containing the packaged firmware |
${{ env.PACKAGED_OUTPUTDATE }} | 07.15.1058 | Packaging date |
${{ env.PACKAGED_STATUS }} | success / failure | Packaging status. Success / Failure |
The flippy-openwrt-actions © OPHUB is licensed under GPL-2.0