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GRN Inference

Benchmarking GRN inference methods

Article: geneRNIB: a living benchmark for gene regulatory network inference

Documentation: geneRNBI-doc

Repository: openproblems-bio/task_grn_inference


geneRNIB is a living benchmark platform for GRN inference. This platform provides curated datasets for GRN inference and evaluation, standardized evaluation protocols and metrics, computational infrastructure, and a dynamically updated leaderboard to track state-of-the-art methods. It runs novel GRNs in the cloud, offers competition scores, and stores them for future comparisons, reflecting new developments over time.

The platform supports the integration of new inference methods, datasets and protocols. When a new feature is added, previously evaluated GRNs are re-assessed, and the leaderboard is updated accordingly. The aim is to evaluate both the accuracy and completeness of inferred GRNs. It is designed for both single-modality and multi-omics GRN inference.

In the current version, geneRNIB contains 10 inference methods including both single and multi-omics, 8 evalation metrics, and five datasets.

See our publication for the details of methods.


You need to have Docker, Java, and Viash installed. Follow these instructions to install the required dependencies.

Download resources

git clone [email protected]:openproblems-bio/task_grn_inference.git

cd task_grn_inference

To interact with the framework, you should download the resources containing necessary inferene and evaluation datasets to get started. Here, we download the test resources which are used for testing the framework. Refer to the Documentation for downloading the actual datasets.


Run a GRN inference method

To infer a GRN for a given dataset (e.g. op) using simple Pearson correlation:

viash run src/control_methods/pearson_corr/config.vsh.yaml -- 
            --rna resources_test/grn_benchmark/inference_data/op_rna.h5ad
            --prediction output/net.h5ad 
            --tf_all resources_test/grn_benchmark/prior/tf_all.csv

Evaluate a GRN prediction

Once got the prediction for a given dataset (e.g. op), use the following code to obtain evaluation scores.

scripts/ output/net.h5ad op

This outputs the scores into output/test_run/scores.yaml

Add a GRN inference method, evaluation metric, or dataset

To add a new component to the repository, follow the Documentation.

Authors & contributors

name roles
Jalil Nourisa author
Robrecht Cannoodt author
Antoine Passimier contributor
Marco Stock contributor
Christian Arnold contributor


flowchart TB
  file_atac_h5ad("<a href=''>chromatin accessibility data</a>")
  comp_method[/"<a href=''>method</a>"/]
  file_prediction_h5ad("<a href=''>GRN prediction</a>")
  comp_metric_regression[/"<a href=''>feature-based metrics</a>"/]
  comp_metric_ws[/"<a href=''>Wasserstein distance metrics</a>"/]
  comp_metric[/"<a href=''>metrics</a>"/]
  file_score_h5ad("<a href=''>score</a>")
  file_evaluation_bulk_h5ad("<a href=''>perturbation data (pseudo)bulk</a>")
  file_evaluation_sc_h5ad("<a href=''>perturbation data (sc)</a>")
  file_rna_h5ad("<a href=''>gene expression data</a>")

File format: chromatin accessibility data

Chromatin accessibility data

Example file: resources_test/grn_benchmark/inference_data//op_atac.h5ad


AnnData object
 obs: 'cell_type', 'donor_id'
 uns: 'dataset_id', 'dataset_name', 'dataset_summary', 'dataset_organism', 'normalization_id'

Data structure:

Slot Type Description
obs["cell_type"] string (Optional) The annotated cell type of each cell based on RNA expression.
obs["donor_id"] string (Optional) Donor id.
uns["dataset_id"] string A unique identifier for the dataset.
uns["dataset_name"] string Nicely formatted name.
uns["dataset_summary"] string Short description of the dataset.
uns["dataset_organism"] string (Optional) The organism of the sample in the dataset.
uns["normalization_id"] string Which normalization was used.

Component type: method

A GRN inference method


Name Type Description
--rna file RNA expression data.
--atac file (Optional) Chromatin accessibility data.
--prediction file (Optional, Output) File indicating the inferred GRN.
--tf_all file NA. Default: resources_test/grn_benchmark/prior/tf_all.csv.
--max_n_links integer (Optional) NA. Default: 50000.
--num_workers integer (Optional) NA. Default: 20.
--temp_dir string (Optional) NA. Default: output/temdir.
--layer string (Optional) NA. Default: X_norm.
--seed integer (Optional) NA. Default: 32.
--dataset_id string (Optional) NA. Default: op.
--is_test boolean (Optional) NA. Default: FALSE.

File format: GRN prediction

File indicating the inferred GRN.

Example file: resources_test/grn_models/op/collectri.h5ad


AnnData object
 uns: 'dataset_id', 'method_id', 'prediction'

Data structure:

Slot Type Description
uns["dataset_id"] string A unique identifier for the dataset.
uns["method_id"] string A unique identifier for the inference method.
uns["prediction"] object Inferred GRNs in the format of source, target, weight.

Component type: feature-based metrics

A regression metric to evaluate the performance of the inferred GRN


Name Type Description
--prediction file File indicating the inferred GRN.
--score file (Output) File indicating the score of a metric.
--layer string (Optional) NA. Default: X_norm.
--max_n_links integer (Optional) NA. Default: 50000.
--verbose integer (Optional) NA. Default: 2.
--num_workers integer (Optional) NA. Default: 20.
--apply_tf boolean (Optional) NA. Default: TRUE.
--apply_skeleton boolean (Optional) NA. Default: FALSE.
--skeleton file (Optional) NA.
--evaluation_data file Perturbation dataset for benchmarking.
--tf_all file NA.
--reg_type string (Optional) NA. Default: ridge.

Component type: Wasserstein distance metrics

A Wasserstein distance based metric to evaluate the performance of the inferred GRN


Name Type Description
--prediction file File indicating the inferred GRN.
--score file (Output) File indicating the score of a metric.
--layer string (Optional) NA. Default: X_norm.
--max_n_links integer (Optional) NA. Default: 50000.
--verbose integer (Optional) NA. Default: 2.
--num_workers integer (Optional) NA. Default: 20.
--apply_tf boolean (Optional) NA. Default: TRUE.
--apply_skeleton boolean (Optional) NA. Default: FALSE.
--skeleton file (Optional) NA.
--evaluation_data_sc file (Optional) Perturbation dataset for benchmarking (sinlge cell).

Component type: metrics

A metric to evaluate the performance of the inferred GRN


Name Type Description
--prediction file File indicating the inferred GRN.
--score file (Output) File indicating the score of a metric.
--layer string (Optional) NA. Default: X_norm.
--max_n_links integer (Optional) NA. Default: 50000.
--verbose integer (Optional) NA. Default: 2.
--num_workers integer (Optional) NA. Default: 20.
--apply_tf boolean (Optional) NA. Default: TRUE.
--apply_skeleton boolean (Optional) NA. Default: FALSE.
--skeleton file (Optional) NA.

File format: score

File indicating the score of a metric.

Example file: resources_test/scores/score.h5ad


AnnData object
 uns: 'dataset_id', 'method_id', 'metric_ids', 'metric_values'

Data structure:

Slot Type Description
uns["dataset_id"] string A unique identifier for the dataset.
uns["method_id"] string A unique identifier for the method.
uns["metric_ids"] string One or more unique metric identifiers.
uns["metric_values"] double The metric values obtained for the given prediction. Must be of same length as ‘metric_ids’.

File format: perturbation data (pseudo)bulk

Perturbation dataset for benchmarking

Example file: resources_test/grn_benchmark/evaluation_data/op_bulk.h5ad


AnnData object
 obs: 'cell_type', 'perturbation', 'donor_id', 'perturbation_type'
 layers: 'X_norm'
 uns: 'dataset_id', 'dataset_name', 'dataset_summary', 'dataset_organism', 'normalization_id'

Data structure:

Slot Type Description
obs["cell_type"] string The annotated cell type of each cell based on RNA expression.
obs["perturbation"] string Name of the column containing perturbation names.
obs["donor_id"] string (Optional) Donor id.
obs["perturbation_type"] string (Optional) Name of the column indicating perturbation type.
layers["X_norm"] double Normalized values.
uns["dataset_id"] string A unique identifier for the dataset.
uns["dataset_name"] string Nicely formatted name.
uns["dataset_summary"] string Short description of the dataset.
uns["dataset_organism"] string (Optional) The organism of the sample in the dataset.
uns["normalization_id"] string Which normalization was used.

File format: perturbation data (sc)

Perturbation dataset for benchmarking (sinlge cell).

Example file: resources_test/grn_benchmark/evaluation_data/norman_sc.h5ad


AnnData object
 obs: 'cell_type', 'perturbation', 'donor_id', 'perturbation_type'
 layers: 'X_norm'
 uns: 'dataset_id', 'dataset_name', 'dataset_summary', 'dataset_organism', 'normalization_id'

Data structure:

Slot Type Description
obs["cell_type"] string The annotated cell type of each cell based on RNA expression.
obs["perturbation"] string Name of the column containing perturbation names.
obs["donor_id"] string (Optional) Donor id.
obs["perturbation_type"] string (Optional) Name of the column indicating perturbation type.
layers["X_norm"] double Normalized values.
uns["dataset_id"] string A unique identifier for the dataset.
uns["dataset_name"] string Nicely formatted name.
uns["dataset_summary"] string Short description of the dataset.
uns["dataset_organism"] string (Optional) The organism of the sample in the dataset.
uns["normalization_id"] string Which normalization was used.

File format: gene expression data

RNA expression data.

Example file: resources_test/grn_benchmark/inference_data/op_rna.h5ad


AnnData object
 obs: 'cell_type', 'donor_id'
 layers: 'counts', 'X_norm'
 uns: 'dataset_id', 'dataset_name', 'dataset_summary', 'dataset_organism', 'normalization_id'

Data structure:

Slot Type Description
obs["cell_type"] string (Optional) The annotated cell type of each cell based on RNA expression.
obs["donor_id"] string (Optional) Donor id.
layers["counts"] double (Optional) Counts matrix.
layers["X_norm"] double Normalized values.
uns["dataset_id"] string A unique identifier for the dataset.
uns["dataset_name"] string Nicely formatted name.
uns["dataset_summary"] string Short description of the dataset.
uns["dataset_organism"] string (Optional) The organism of the sample in the dataset.
uns["normalization_id"] string Which normalization was used.