(fix) remove dashboard mocks after revert of O3-3866 #5548
5 errors
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Type '{ closeWorkspace: Mock<any, any, any>; closeWorkspaceWithSavedChanges: Mock<any, any, any>; patientUuid: string; promptBeforeClosing: Mock<any, any, any>; setTitle: { ...; }; }' is missing the following properties from type 'DefaultPatientWorkspaceProps': setCancelTitle, setCancelMessage, setCancelConfirmText
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Type '{ closeWorkspace: Mock<any, any, any>; closeWorkspaceWithSavedChanges: Mock<any, any, any>; patientUuid: string; promptBeforeClosing: Mock<any, any, any>; setTitle: { ...; }; }' is missing the following properties from type 'DefaultPatientWorkspaceProps': setCancelTitle, setCancelMessage, setCancelConfirmText
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Type '{ visitToEdit: Visit; patientUuid: string; closeWorkspace: Mock<any, any, any>; closeWorkspaceWithSavedChanges: Mock<any, any, any>; promptBeforeClosing: Mock<any, any, any>; showVisitEndDateTimeFields: boolean; setTitle: Mock<...>; }' is missing the following properties from type 'StartVisitFormProps': setCancelTitle, setCancelMessage, setCancelConfirmText
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@openmrs/esm-patient-chart-app#typescript: command (/home/runner/work/openmrs-esm-patient-chart/openmrs-esm-patient-chart/packages/esm-patient-chart-app) /tmp/xfs-e710d52d/yarn run typescript exited (2)
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Process completed with exit code 2.