2950 commits
to main
since this release
Notable changes
- Model Serving
- DSG Improvements
- Re-enable of the Administration Tab for Jupyter spawner page
What's Changed
- Bump PF version and remove findDomNode warning by @DaoDaoNoCode in #687
- Update Root Owners File by @andrewballantyne in #714
- Simplify bug report view by @andrewballantyne in #715
- Disable SSL warning for PVC prometheus call by @DaoDaoNoCode in #709
- Block the user without authorization from the whole application by @DaoDaoNoCode in #710
- Bump PF, React, Redux versions by @DaoDaoNoCode in #721
- Fixes error Cluster admin does not get RHODS Admin access if it's the… by @lucferbux in #725
- Fix Oauth Error, now catching the status code by @lucferbux in #728
- Fix authentication to access dsg notebooks by @lucferbux in #731
- Use ProjectRequests instead of Namespaces by @andrewballantyne in #733
- Adjust DSG Image Puller Permissions by @andrewballantyne in #736
- Workbenches don't conflict when sharing a name by @andrewballantyne in #750
- Support handling pass-through K8sStatus errors in our network flow by @andrewballantyne in #720
- [DSG]: fix ux issues by @DaoDaoNoCode in #724
- Use Labels when creating/fetching DSG Projects by @andrewballantyne in #763
- Update env text by @andrewballantyne in #755
- Expanded error catches by @andrewballantyne in #753
- Delete configmaps & secrets with the notebook by @andrewballantyne in #757
- Support editing data connections by @DaoDaoNoCode in #765
- Cleanup display names on projects by @andrewballantyne in #764
- Misc Improvements for DSG by @andrewballantyne in #711
- Use username during nb spawning by @maroroman in #693
- Refetch notebook route if error by @DaoDaoNoCode in #769
- Add editing environment variables and storage features for notebook by @DaoDaoNoCode in #777
- Feature: Model serving merge into main by @lucferbux in #762
- Fix dependency array by @lucferbux in #778
- Override and disable applications when we have errors fetching by @andrewballantyne in #776
- Handle Model Serving addition cleaner by @andrewballantyne in #781
- Enable token deletion by @lucferbux in #784
- Sync crds with downstream by @lucferbux in #785
- Improve Connected Functionality by @andrewballantyne in #780
- Fix kube sa token by @LaVLaS in #786
Full Changelog: v2.4.0...v2.5.0