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Project Management
You will find this information in our workspace: https://github.com/openETCS/governance/wiki/Project-Management.
No special events this week.
- openETCS charta creation meeting 2.12. Munich, Völckerstrasse
- Upcoming event: ITEA Co-Summit (Stockholm 3.12. - 5.12.)
- The second WP3 task force meeting is scheduled for 26th November - 28th of November in Berlin (Siemens location). Target of the meeting hosted at Siemens is the evaluation of WP3 SysML modelling activities.
#####We plan for a couple of workshops at the beginning of 2014:
We would like to have the Scade training in Munich in the week 7th to 10th, probably 3 days out of 4.
The date is not yet confirmed by Esterel. We will send an invitation to the project as soon as the date is fixed.
We do not plan for a French or English session in France since we had not sufficient participation in the Doodle.
we plan for a project event in Munich: https://github.com/openETCS/governance/wiki/%7C-M:-2014.01.14...16-January-Munich-openETCS-Meetings-(1st-Draft). The meeting agenda is currently under planning. Your contribution is requested. Details will be discussed on the PMB.
we plan for a Safety Workshop in Nurenberg: https://github.com/openETCS/governance/wiki/%7C-M:-2014.02.18...20-February-Nuremberg-Safety-Assessment-Workshop.
This meeting needs confirmation by AEbt
- Signed copies Metric: (16 + 2 electronical out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
- We have informed the partners where a signature has not been received in paper yet in Munich.
- We started activities on the openETCS Charta.
- You can see the actual progress information here: https://github.com/openETCS/management/wiki/State-of-Deliverables
- Note: these figures are taken by partners for regular reporting. Make sure the figures are up-to-date.
QA Monitoring phase is active. Contact Izaskun for information on this activity.
Meeting Organisation Scade: Training (Bernd)
Meeting Organisation Munich Session (Bernd): https://github.com/openETCS/governance/wiki/%7C-M:-2014.01.14...16-January-Munich-openETCS-Meetings-(1st-Draft)
Status Reporting (Peter) https://github.com/openETCS/management/wiki/State-of-Deliverables
openETCS charta (Klaus-Rüdiger)
PCA signature returns ==> please communicate to your organization to expedite the process!
No special events this week.
We need to prepare for the ITEA Co-Summit (Stockholm 2.12. - 3.12.)
Next week, a WP3 task force meeting is planned to take place in Charleroi. Target of the meeting hosted at Alstom is the kick-off of WP3 SysML modelling activities.
The meeting is scheduled from October 22nd to October 25th. Major contributors in WP3 are invited to the meeting.
We do not have complete confirmation of efforts planned for WP3 SysML modelling https://github.com/openETCS/SSRS/issues/65
Signed copies Metric: (15 out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
As proposed in Brauschweig, we now started the QA Monitoring phase. Izaskun will drive this activity.
WP3: Discussion, Final confirmation of Effort Planning (some infomation is not yet confirmed)
WP3: SCADE Training needs: please follow this Doodle http://doodle.com/dgx7emaatfd6zaqg
openETCS Participation at Itea Summit (Stockholm)
WP1: openETCS Task Force for Charta
PCA signature returns ==> please communicate to your organization to expedite the process!
- SCRUM update
- Braunschweig Workshop We enjoyed a productive and constructive meeting in Brauschweig. Thanks to our Hosts DLR and Siemens for the magnificient support.
The presentations and meeting minutes (where relevant) will be published in Github and linked to the invitation.
Major results:
- Common Understanding and agreement on the main toolchain Decisions
- If not Kick-Off so at least short term action plan for starting of WP3 SysML modelling
- Kick-Off of WP5
- Presentation and review of the major openETCS process and the QA-Plan
- Room and Time to discuss concepts and plans for all workpackages
- Signed copies Metric: (15 out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 has reached ITEA. Thanks for your contribution.
- We have some feeedback with the request to update the deliverable. Peter is coordinating.
- QA-Plan has been discussed and agreed on Brauschweig workshop
- There is now the plan to go to the management mode in QA.
- But there is also stil some need for extensions. Have a look at the QA-Plan backlog.
Status / open Issues related to our ITEA REport
openETCS Charta
ITEA meeting in Stockholm: participation
Braunschweig Meeting Summary
Update on WP3 proposal
PCA signature returns ==> please communicate to your organization to expedite the process!
- SCRUM update
- PCC and Braunschweig Workshop We want to use the PMB to have a final walk thru the agenda. The PCC is planned extended with a discussion on the openETCS Charter. In addition, we want to have a clear decision on the upcoming tasks in WP3 and WP7.
We will pick the following issues on tomorrows agenda as well:
- https://github.com/openETCS/model-evaluation/issues/21 about decision making and
- https://github.com/openETCS/governance/issues/60 about management in openETCS project.
- Signed copies Metric: (14 out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 has reached ITEA. Thanks for your contribution.
- Quality meeting took place, backlog has been updated according to the current state.
- We plan to release the version for the QA-plan Braunschweig review meeting in week 39.
- The QA-Plan Review session agenda is in preparation and will be communicated soon.
One issue is the decision process concerning modeling and tools development strategy.
Two issues have been posted, which are linked to 1.):
a.): "Find out whether WP leadership has managerial authority over the WP resources " https://github.com/openETCS/governance/issues/60
b.): "Should partners spending more effort (i.e. person months) in the tool chain/modelling have more weight on their votes?" https://github.com/openETCS/model-evaluation/issues/21
Preparation of the ITEA2&ARTEMIS Summit in Stockholm: openETCS needs to be present and the following artifacts needs to be prepared: http://www.doodle.com/9my7eefabsirnq2e
Upcoming milestone for deliverables T0+12...T0+18 :
PCA signature returns ==> please communicate to your organization to expedite the process!
- SCRUM update
PCC and Braunschweig Workshop No changes in the plan. Agenda is out for the meeting. We have been made aware of two issues being critical for the success of our strategy:
https://github.com/openETCS/model-evaluation/issues/21 about decision making and
https://github.com/openETCS/governance/issues/60 about management in openETCS project.
We are adviced to prepare the PCC with focus on those issues. A meeting is foreseen in week 40 to discuss and agree on the way to proceed. Invitation to the relevant people will follow after the PMB.
- Signed copies Metric: (13 out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 has reached ITEA. Thanks for your contribution.
- Quality meeting took place, backlog has been updated according to the current state.
- We plan to release the version for the QA-plan Braunschweig review meeting in week 39.
- D7.1 Document Status
- PCC preparation meeting
- SCRUM Agenda
- SCRUM update
D7.1 Review Sessions Our update on the openETCS project strategy is now being reflected in the "Report on the Final Choice of the Primary Toolchain" document. This document has been reviewed in several sessions during the recent days. It is coming closer to a point of "common understanding" of the strategy.
PCC and Braunschweig Workshop
Since the change of the strategy is a major decision for the openETCS work we plan to put it in focus in our October Braunschweig workshop. In Braunschweig, we need to
- explain the strategy to the openETCS community in a face-to-face (PCC),
- get confirmation by our partners for the strategy,
- get an confirmation on resource coverage for the agreed upon branches,
- kick-off the openETCS SRS modelling work.
Your Help is Needed!
Please, help us preparing this decision with an update of this Doodle
The Braunschweig Workshop agenda is available here.
If you did not yet indicate your participation, please have a look at the following Doodle (http://doodle.com/3p9td753gbw5mp4wmzdzcs8n/admin?#table) to make your plan visible.
In addition we have a walk-thru the QA-plan and the kick-off of WP5.
- Signed copies Metric: (12 out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 has reached ITEA. Thanks for your contribution.
Quality meeting took place, backlog has been updated according to the current state. The work on the QA plan is steadily proceeding. We want to release the version for the QA-plan Braunschweig review meeting in week 39.
QA final review meeting (for first release) should take place not later than October/early November, so that a valid QA plan is in place when major modeling activities are started.
- D7.1 Document Status
- Braunschweig Workshop Agenda
- PCC Agenda
- SCRUM Agenda
- SCRUM update
"How to work with Eclipse workshop" took place at Munich premises. The meeting was modarated by Ralph Mueller and Gael Blondelle from ECLIPSE. Presentations and discussions focused on partners, value chain, ways to co-operate and other topics. The presentations will be made available on git-hub.
"Very Long Term Software Support with Polarsys (Airbus)" gave an insight on Polarsys project and the way Airbus industry is using this open source project. The topic was presented by Pierre Gaufillet (AIRBUS). Analogies between openETCS and Airbus use cases were discussed. Presentations are planned to be published on git-hub.
- The first signed copies (5 out of 32) of the PCA have been received now at Munich. Please, make sure your company signs the document in near future.
- REMINDER: Itea progress report for first half 2013 is due September 11th. Partner have been informed in the meanwhile and are asked for contributions.
A number of contributions have been delivered in the recent week. A follow up will start 1st of September.
- Quality meeting took place, backlog has been updated according to the current state.
- QA final review meeting (for first release) should take place not later than October/early November, so that a valid QA plan is in place when major modeling activities are started. A doodle poll has been set up for the QA review meeting: http://www.doodle.com/sb6ukwincqit2rut
1.) Report on Eclipse/Polarsys Meetings on Wednesday & Thursday this week
a) Eclipse/SysML Selection reconfirmed
b) Learning from TOPCASED & Polarsys ==> AIRBUS' tools strategy
c) Long term strategy, recommendations from AIRBUS/POLARSYS
==> need to include POLARSYS elements into evaluation
==> What about coordinating our WP7 activities with POLARSYS?
2.) SSRS contributions are low (review team not active) ==> after 3 sprints we will estimate the most likely completion time for the SSRS
3.) Info from ESTEREL concerning usage and cost of SCADE (cost, licensing, etcs.)
3.) Modeling/Tooling strategy meeting need to be prepared and called for in October
a) Preparation Meetings
b) Defining a concept, based on knowledge today to get Modeling group start working asap.
c) Feed back via Questionnaire from all parties who will commit contributions to WP3 and/or WP7 (who will commit what resources on what activity, acceptance of SCADE, e.g.)
==> Decision need to be authorized by PCC meeting
4.) QA Plan f2f Review Meeting in the week of Sept. 23rd ( e.g. at 26.09.) in BilBao (SQS Facility) ?!
5.) Next PCC meeting ==> doodle
6.) Next Advisory board meeting ==> doodle
7.) Feed back on
- WP1 topics arte covered by the PMB agenda.
- Project Meeting with Stan Pinte (ERTMS Solutions), Michael Jastram (FormalMind), Baseliyos Jacob, Klaus-Rüdiger Hase (both DB) in order to evaluate future dvelopment and potential utilization with ERTMS Formal Specs (EFS). Results: 2 people from DB will join ERTMSSolutions' EFS training in Brussels for at least 2 weeks (or longer) and start working formalizing SRS in a joint group with ERTMSSolultions.
- OpenETCS project experiance was exchanged between ATOC and DB. ATOC was represented by Phil Berrett, who succeeded Tony Crabtree, after Tony has retired.
- The international PCA version 2.0.3 is expected to be signed by the end of of September. According to the PCA a Project Cooperation Committee (PCC) Meeting has to be called in within 30 days after signature. Therefore it is intended to have this PCC Meeting taking place in October and trying to combine it with one of the technical meetings. A doodle poll will be set up: http://www.doodle.com/48uzb3h6sfn6u6br
- REMINDER: Itea progress report for first half 2013 is due September 11th. Partner have been informed in the meanwhile and are asked for contributions.
- QA final review meeting (for first release) should take place not later than October/early November, so that a valid QA plan is in place when major modeling activities are started. A doodle poll has been set up for the QA review meeting: http://www.doodle.com/sb6ukwincqit2rut
- Results of above mentioned meetings and further outlook on next weeks meetings.
- Standard scrum agenda
- WP1 topics arte covered by the PMB agenda
- Project Co-Operation Meeting took place. Main result: get the PCA out for signature.
- Klaus-Rüdiger is presenting at the DLR Verkehrskolloquium in Braunschweig.
- We had the first two strategy meetings - in Munich and in Braunschweig - to elaborate on the change.
- PCA version 2.0.3 has been accepted by PCC and will be distributed for signature.
- Reporting to the local funding authority in Germany is due on August 15th. The German cluster participants are infomed about the procedure. Partners are asked to send reports directly to DLR.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 is due September 11th. Partner have been informed in the meanwhile and are asked for contributions.
No Activities this week due to holiday.
- Strategy Workshop results
- Standard scrum agenda
- no meeting unless requested during one of the other Scrum events.
- Debriefing meeting: We met Rudolf Haggenmüller (chaiman of the ITEA board) in Munich and received feedback in a open discussion. We plan to share this information with you. New date: August 2nd. (Friday, 11:30, scrum goto-meetings). Actions are already prepared in the issue tracker.
- Next PCC on August 6th 2013 (reasoning see program management section)
- We propose to meet in Munich for the meeting on Polarsys (The doodle for "Very Long Term Software Support with Polarsys (Airbus)".
- We want to make use of the fact we have some Eclipse gurus on site to invite for a special training (How-to-work-with-Eclipse).
- The new version of PCA 2.0.2a has been distributed. We plan to vote on this change in the PCC. The document resulting from PCC is planned to be the document to be signed.
- Reporting to the local funding authority in Germany is due on August 15th. The German cluster participants are infomed about the procedure. Partners are asked to send reports directly to DLR.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 is due September 11th. Partner shave been informed in the meanwhile and are asked for contributions.
Follow-up took place. The result is visible here.
- openETCS Quality Manager
- KRH meeting at Esteral
- Repositories for Modelling tasks
- Standard scrum agenda
- we need this slot for our Debriefing Meeting
- Debriefing meeting: We want to here the opinion of our mentor at ITEA. Therefore, we re-scheduled the meeting a second time. New date: August 2nd. (Friday, 11:30, scrum goto-meetings). Actions are already prepared in the issue tracker.
- We still see need for a PCC on August 8th 2013 (reasoning see program management section)
- We are now looking for a location for the meeting on Polarsys (The doodle for "Very Long Term Software Support with Polarsys (Airbus)". Please, make your vote.
- No addional comments for PCA received. In total: one comment open in management. How to proceed?
- No comments received for FPP. Old comments have been closed meanwhile.
- Reporting to the local funding authority in Germany is due on August 15th. The German cluster participants are infomed about the procedure. Reports are sent directly to DLR.
- Itea progress report for first half 2013 is due September 11th.
No meeting on quality this week.
- Open issue related to tool selection and D7.1.
- Location for PolarSys Meeting: doodle
- Standard scrum agenda
- Standard scrum agenda (if needed)
- We want to share the feedback we received from ITEA in the Debriefing meeting (Friday, 11:30, scrum goto-meetings). Actions are already prepared in the issue tracker.
- Since the Debriefing takes the slot of the PMB, the PMB is scheduled for 14:00 (this week only).
- We still see need for a PCC on August 8th 2013 (reasoning see program management section)
- The doodle for "Very Long Term Software Support with Polarsys (Airbus)" strongly indicates a meeting on August 22nd. We can discuss this in the PMB.
- We have received the first comment regarding PCA. It is visible as an issue in management.
- As soon as the review period will be ended a version of the PCA with proposed changes will be distributed.
Reporting to the local funding authority in Germany is due on August 15th. The German cluster participants are infomed about the procedure. Reports are sent directly to DLR.
We collected a couple of contributions during the week. The QA backlog has been updated accordingly. If you want to have a look into the plan take care you use the right branch.
- QA-plan backlog.
- telco on quality assurance
- Standard scrum agenda
- Feedback from ITEA Review meeting is oustanding.
- Next Review Meeting is scheduled for June 12th 2014 in Munich, Völckerstrasse.
- We prepare for a PCC on August 8th 2013 (reasoning see program management section)
- FPP version 3.0.2 has been delivered in the final version.
- PCA version 2.0.2 has been released for a final check by legal advisers. We will prepared a PCC meeting in case critical findings are presented.
- Alstom has been invited to formulate changes in the FPP according to posted review comments. Changes in the documente are planned to be discussed in the PCC, same as decisions on changes in the FPP.
Next ITEA progress report: https://github.com/openETCS/management/wiki/ITEA-Project-Progress-Report-2013_1
Activities will be started soon.
Work on the QA plan is proceeding (see QA-plan backlog. The first telco on quality assurance took place. Current purpose: push the work on the QA-plan. The meeting is scheduled every Thursday, 13:00 - 14:00.
Results of the first meeting have been documented in the backlog. Our plan on the QA-plan looks as follows:
- First complete prio 1 issues of the backlog
- Consolidate the QA-plan with the openETCS QA community.
- Publishing the first version covering high prio items in the openETCS community (end of July).
- Afterwards, we need, according to progress in the work packages, also provide updated versions of the plan covering the progress in the openETCS process world.
No special Agenda this week. We will be available for impediments.