Application cookbook example for an Onddo blog's post.
- apache2
- database
- php
"name": "NODE-NAME",
"run_list": [
$ knife bootstrap NODE-NAME \
--ssh-user USER \
--run-list "recipe[app-myphpsite]" \
# Ubuntu 12.04 LTS amd64 in us-east-1 (ami-856f02ec)
$ knife ec2 server create \
--image ami-856f02ec \
--ssh-user ubuntu \
--flavor t1.micro \
--region us-east-1 \
--groups testing \
--node-name app-myphpsite-1 \
-T Name=app-myphpsite-1 \
--run-list 'recipe[app-myphpsite]'
- Worpress version to install (defaults to "3.5.1")
Installs and configures app-myphpsite PHP application. This example installs a Worpress blog.
Author:: Onddo Labs, Sl. ([email protected])
Copyright:: 2013, Onddo Labs, Sl. (
License:: Apache 2.0