This project presents a several examples of the updating method realisation grouped by modules. Each module presents a small simple updating instance of the rest service.
This is a collection of small and focused instances - each covering a single and well defined approach in the area of the java application development grouped by modules. Each module is supposed to provide a separate simple instance.
In this project each module presents a small simple instance of the updating approaches and technologies for the spring-boot
A strong focus of these is, of course, the different updating approaches of the spring-boot
This project includes the follows modules:
- option-field-approach - this module is a simple
RESTful API which provides the update operation for the updatingperson
entities via jacksonDTO
serialization/deserialisation; This instance is listening on port8081
- The simple RESTful API which provides the update operations for the updating
entities via jacksonDTO
- For more information on an upcoming development, please read the todo list.
- For more information on a releases, a features and a changes, please read the changelog notes.
These instructions allow to get a copy of this project and run it on a local machine.
Before using it, make sure that follows software are installed on the local machine:
- Oracle JDK 8+ - java development kit;
- Maven 3+ - dependency management;
If any of the listed software is not installed, then it can be installed by instruction as described below.
- Install Oracle JDK 8+ according to instructions from an official instruction.
- Install Maven 3+ according to instructions from an official source.
In order to install it is quite simple to clone or download this repository.
For the cloning this repository to a local machine, just use the follows link:
To use it is necessary to:
1 - Build the project.
2 - Launch the instances.
3 - Send http request
To do the full build, execute maven goal install
in the root directory by the following command:
mvn clean install
To do the full build, execute maven goal install
in the module directory by the following command:
mvn clean install
To do the run examples, execute maven goal spring-boot:run
in the module directory by the following command:
mvn spring-boot:run
This is a multi-module project. Each model is supposed to provide a separate example. That's why when you're working with an individual module, there's no need to import all of them (or build all of them) - you can simply import that particular module in either Eclipse, NetBeanse or IntelliJ IDEA and run each example in IDE.
Just open swagger
form using this link:
- Oracle JDK - java development kit;
- Maven - dependency management;
- H2 database - database management system;
- swagger - documentation and form generator;
- Alexander A. Kropotin - project work - ololx.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the lisence document for details.