- Directions will be given after getting this envrionment set up
tsc and jest should be run in different terminal windows
yarn tsc --watch
yarn jest --coverage --watch
While not set up in this repo, it is possible to run two child processes in the same terminal with a package like concurrently: https://github.com/open-cli-tools/concurrently#readme
This will allow both tsc and jest to watch for file changes and run tests when changes are detected.
It is not necessary to run nodemon while running tests with jest in this case, as we are not using a server. However, if you are making changes to your typescript file, it is necessary to run tsc to compile on file changes.
yarn tsc --watch
yarn nodemon -w dist dist/ts_playground.js
- Running these two commands in terminals will let tsc watch for changes to any file, and then nodemon will restart and run any compiled code from ts_playground.js