Automatically generate post descriptions and tags using Openai API (by getting the latest news from RSS feeds) then publish them on the Facebook page using Facebook Graph API.
- Get a random feed URL from one of the URLs provided in the .env file
- Get the top item title and link. Then use Openai API to convert that title into an engaging Facebook post description and also generate tags
- Use Facebook Graph API to post that description and link on the page.
- After downloading or cloning the repo, run
composer install
- copy .env.example into .env
- put the credentials in .env. Here are some comments about how to get that env variable
#create a Facebook App with the type "Business" and add these permissions to the app "pages_manage_posts, pages_read_engagement"
#Also, you don't need the app for App review if you are the manager of the page
#Cope the app id and secret and paste it below
#generate from
#go to your Facebook page, then click the "About" tab then click "Page Transparency". Finally, copy the page id
#generate the following token from generate-token.php
#comma separated rss feed urls
#get your api key from your openai account
- Finally run cron.php as a cron job to auto-run the script after the specific intervals (hourly, daily, etc)