- JPRQ is a free and open tool for exposing local servers to public network (the internet)
- It can expose TCP protocols, such as HTTP, SSH, etc. Any server!
- QLTRQ - has no meaning, just to avoid conflict with the jprq.
- A self-hosted version of jprq for developers of this community.
First obtain auth token from qltrq.old-juniors.uz/auth, then
qltrq auth <your-auth-token>
Replace 8000 with the port you want to expose
qltrq http 8000
For exposing any TCP servers, such as SSH
qltrq tcp 22
qltrq using custom subdomains
qltrq http 3000 -s <custom-name>
For using qltrq debugger (with v2.1 or higher)
qltrq http 3000 --debug
Serve static files using built-in HTTP Server (with v2.2 or higher)
qltrq serve .
Serve on a different domain using CNAME (with v2.3 or higher)
qltrq http 3000 --cname example.com
Press Ctrl+C to stop it
** qltrq
is members-only service **
What does that mean?
- To use the service, join to our community on telegram.