Updates! 12/06/22 - Finals Week! Time for studying finals this week and next week 12/05/22 - My Birthday! 11/25/22 - Happy Thanksgiving!
original name: git_test This website is used to test my code throughout the given recourses from bootcamps / a testing haven: the recourses used include javascript.info, MDN, web3schools, & more -> Practice problems are done in this repository / also in website given coding space. Some tips to this website:*Wanted to make sure my Github commit was up to date *Most of javascript.js are commented out for testing purposes *Mini projects are available in the mini_projects folder
For cloning remote repository (not made on github first) on your computer. git init -> git add changed file -> git commit -m "first commit" -> git remote add origin ssh -> git remote -v to check all the repo that's connected to this file -> git push -u origin master the -u makes it your default push so in future you can just do git push. Check the Login || Line 970-991There was a problem when I came across this. When I first saw it, it seemed easy to make. But as I was making it, I struggled with knowing how to determine what [Esc] was. Meaning, I had a hard time finding out when to write (now reading it again, i did not see the hint at the bottom of the picture) 'canceled'. I believe I first searched it up on google but it told me that I needed to use a eventListener which I knew wasn't the case for this because it was a beginners problem. I then came up with another idea which was to say 'canceled' as else: if all the code above didn't work do this instead, which was [esc] and ' '. But I adandoned that idea when I suddenly came up with the idea of testing to see what [Esc] returned. And so i used prompt and got the prompt response and returned the response on alert. The response of [Esc] was 'null,' and so I just put if (response == 'null' || response == ' ') ...
Select your Weather (MDN Walkthrough practice) || Line 993-1011
100th Commit!