Melody is a simple program to generate music from a string of text in order to quickly share melodies.
sudo apt-get install libsmf-dev
The installer creates the melody
binary. It is run as: melody [-i <instrument_number>] filename.mid
where <instrument_number>
is the general midi instrument code.
echo 'T160 d g [g b-] a f g d . d g [g b-] a f g:3 d g [g b-] a f g d . g f:2 d+ [d+ c] d . . . d' | ./melody eboy_original.mid
echo 'T60 [ .. 6e e-] [e e- T50 e 5b] [6d c T65 5a 4e] [a T70 5c e a] [b 4e g+ 5e] [g+ b 6c 4e] T55 [a 5e T60 6e e-] [e e- T50 e 5b] [6d c T65 5a 4e] [a T70 5c e a] [b 4e g+ 5e] T70 6c:/4 5b:/4 a:6' | ./melody furelise.mid
echo 'T160 [6e d] 5f+ g+ [6c+ 5b] d e [b a] c+ e a:2' | ./melody granvals.mid
Command | Description | Syntax |
Tempo | Sets the tempo from the current position onward to <bpm> beats per minute. |
T<bpm> or t<bpm> |
Note | Plays the note <class> from octave <octave> for <beats> beats (or 1). The octave, if not specified, will be the octave from the previous note, or 4 by default. |
<octave><class> or <octave><class>:<beats> |
Sub | Shortens all contained notes to fit the time of one beat. Useful for things like eight notes and triplets. | [<notes>] |
Rest | Takes the time of one beat and makes no sound. | . |