- Add lockfree Bag (@lyrm, @polytypic)
- Update Skiplist with better documentation and additional functions (@lyrm)
- Update Mpsc with better documentation and additional functions (@lyrm, @art-w)
- Update Michael-Scott queue with better documentation and additional functions (@lyrm, @art-w)
- Update Ws_deque with better documentation and additional functions (@lyrm, @art-w)
- Update Spsc with better documentation and additional functions (@lyrm, @art-w)
- Optimization of Ws_deque (@polytypic, @lyrm)
- Add Bounded Queue (@lyrm, @polytypic, @art-w)
- Add Bounded Stack (@lyrm, @art-w)
- Update Treiber Stack with better documentation and additional functions (@lyrm, @art-w)
- Remove Saturn_lockfree package (@lyrm)
- Remove relaxed_queue and M module in ws_deque (@lyrm)
- Add Htbl from Picos (@lyrm, @polytypic)