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InterSystems iKnow Entity Browser

A visualizer of iKnow entities for IntersSystems iKnow on 2016.2+ platforms.


2017-03-24_235057 2017-03-24_234839


Download the latest release and import XML file to Caché (iKnow-enabled namespace). Then, open your browser at http://localhost:57772/EntityBrowser/ web page (change the host/port respectively to your server's addresses and always add the trailing slash / at the end of the URL).

To delete the application, simply delete the EntityBrowser package, the web application will be deleted automatically as well as it gets created during installation.


Build the project (or download the latest demo), then open index.html file. Make sure you set up EntityBrowser.Router class correctly before using the tool.

  • Click and drag on empty space to move around.
  • Click and drag on a node to move the node.
  • Single-click a node to select it.
  • Shift-click nodes to select nodes and their children.
  • Ctrl-click and drag on empty space to select a bunch of nodes.
  • Click the X more node to see the less relevant nodes.
  • Scroll down or up to scale.
  • Click on menu button to open a table containing information about selected nodes.
  • Click on export button to save the table as a file.
  • Undo/Redo any node operations such as deleting or expanding.
  • Unlink node children by clicking unlink button when nodes selected.
  • Delete selected nodes by clicking delete button.
  • Reset the selection with reset selection button.

Settings and Embedding

You can change different settings to control application behavior. All settings are stored in browser's local storage. Also, you can overwrite any option by passing its name and a value as an URL parameter (make sure all URL parameters are properly encoded). The list of supported options is represented in the table below.

URL Parameter Default Description
compact false Hides interface controls when set to true.
host http://hostname The host name of the server.
port 57772 The port of the server.
webAppName EntityBrowser Caché web application name.
domain 1 iKnow domain name.
queryType related iKnow query type. Can be related or similar.
seed crew Seed string.
keepQueryTypeInView true A boolean value determining whether the queryType setting will be displayed on the screen all the time.
keepSeedInView false A boolean value determining whether the seed setting will be displayed on the screen all the time.
tabularShowHiddenNodes false A boolean value determining whether to show entities hidden behind X more node in the table.

URL example: http://.../index.html?domain=1&queryType=similar&seed=plane


Development requires Node.JS (v4.0.0-7.5.0+) (but may work on previous versions as well), Git and Caché 2016.2+ to be installed.

Development of the project lies completely outside of Caché (in any environment you like). The project tree has three main entry points:

  1. Static client files at src/static. This is the front-end part of the application which will be packed by Gulp and put to StaticData.cls class.
  2. Server package at src/cls. It contains all Caché classes in UDL format. The directory structure inside src/cls directory corresponds to the package structure in Caché.
  3. Import scripts that make the development like a charm: set up once and use one command to import/export project to/from Caché.

There are some steps needed for initial setup:

git clone
cd iknow-entity-browser
npm install

Then, edit Pre-configured variables section in import.* script to match your system. Now you're ready! Run the following:

import                              # or ./import on *nix systems

This will build the project and put all classes into your Caché. Also, this will export XML file that can be imported to any Caché system (2016.2+).