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A wrapper and REST API implemented in Python for Hunspell spellchecker and morphological analyzer

WARNING: Hunspell 1.6.2 (Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic) is broken! It yields UnicodeDecodeError occasionally and messes up the analyses of compound words!


  • libhunspell-dev: On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or higher just sudo apt install libhunspell-dev
  • A dictionary package, eg. hunspell-hu: On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or higher just sudo apt install hunspell-hu (or use the included version)
  • Python 3 (>=3.5, tested with 3.6)
  • Pip to install the additional requirements in requirements.txt
  • (Optional) a cloud service like Heroku for hosting the API


  • Spellchecking, stemming and returning the detailed morphological analyses with the proper .dic and .aff files
  • Handling of removing individual words from the dictionary (if a word is added with affixes affixed words could not be removed)
  • Can be used through REST API, or from Python as a library (see usage examples below)

Install on local machine

  • Clone the repository
  • Run: sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Use from Python

Install to Heroku

WARNING: Heroku free tier is discontinued.

  • Register
  • Download Heroku CLI
  • Login to Heroku from the CLI
  • Create an app
  • Clone the repository
  • Add Heroku as remote origin
  • Add APT buildpack: heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
  • Add Python buildpack: heroku buildpacks:add --index 2 heroku/python
  • Push the repository to Heroku
  • Enjoy!

Build docker image and run as container

  • docker build . -t hunspellpyRESTAPI
  • docker run -p8000:80 hunspellpyRESTAPI
  • Rest API is running on: http://localhost
  • To use with one must define the environment variable PORT to 8000


  • From browser or anyhow through the REST API:

    >>> import requests
    >>> import json
    >>> word = 'működik'
    >>> json.loads(requests.get('' + word).text)[word]
    {'spell': True}
    >>> json.loads(requests.get('' + word).text)[word]
    {'stem': ['működik']}
    >>> json.loads(requests.get('' + word).text)[word]
    {'anas': [[['st', 'működik'], ['po', 'vrb'], ['ts', 'PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3']]]}
    >>> json.loads(requests.get('' + word).text)[word]
    {'stem': ['működik'], 'anas': [[['st', 'működik'], ['po', 'vrb'], ['ts', 'PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3']]], 'spell': True}
    >>> words = '\n'.join(('form', word, 'word2', ''))  # One word per line (first line is header, trailing newline is needed!)
    >>> words_out ='', files={'file': words}).text.split('\n')
    >>> print(words_out[1].split('\t'))
    ['működik', '{"spell": true}']
    >>> words_out ='', files={'file': words}).text.split('\n')
    >>> print(words_out[1].split('\t'))
    ['működik', '{"stem": ["működik"]}']
    >>> words_out ='', files={'file': words}).text.split('\n')
    >>> print(words_out[1].split('\t'))
    ['működik', '{"anas": [[["st", "működik"], ["po", "vrb"], ["ts", "PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3"]]]}']
    >>> words_out ='', files={'file': words}).text.split('\n')
    >>> print(words_out[1].split('\t'))
    ['működik', 'true', '{"stem": ["működik"], "anas": [[["st", "működik"], ["po", "vrb"], ["ts", "PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3"]]]}']
  • From Python:

    >>> import hunspellpy.hunspellpy as hunspell
    >>> h = hunspell.HunspellPy()
    >>> h.spell('működik')    # Returns if word spelleed corretly or not?
    >>> h.stem('működik')     # Returns list of stem
    >>> h.analyze('működik')  # Returns list of detailed analyzes
    [' st:működik po:vrb ts:PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3']
    >>> h.dstem('működik')    # Returns list of lemmatisations with the corresponding detailed analyzes (stem, tag and detailed analyzes triples)
    {'anas': [[('st', 'működik'), ('po', 'vrb'), ('ts', 'PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3')]], 'stem': ['működik'], 'spell': True}
    >>> # Add new word to the lexicon
    >>> h.add('működik')
    >>> # Add new word with paradigm (from example) to the lexicon
    >>> h.add('zsíííír', example='zsír')
    >>> # Remove word from the lexicon (with paradigm)
    >>> h.remove('zsíííír')
    >>> # Remove word from the runtime (!) lexicon (without paradigm)
    >>> h.blacklist('zsíííír')
    >>> h.generate('körte', example='almával')
    ['körtéjével', 'körtével']
    >>> h.generate('dolgozhat', flags=' st:működik po:vrb ts:PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3')
    ['dolgoz', 'dolgozik', 'dolgoz']
    >>> h.suggest('amla')
    ['alma', 'ama', 'akla', 'ampa', 'aula', 'pamlag']
    >>> h.add_dic('.../extra.dic')
    >>> h.get_dic_encoding()
  • From CLI:

$ python3 -m hunspellpy --raw  # Interactive mode (currently dstem mode only)
Type one word per line, Ctrl+D or empty word to exit
--> működik
működik	true	['működik']	[[('st', 'működik'), ('po', 'vrb'), ('ts', 'PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3')]]
$ python3 -m hunspellpy --raw -i input.txt  # Batch mode
működik	true	['működik']	[[('st', 'működik'), ('po', 'vrb'), ('ts', 'PRES_INDIC_INDEF_SG_3')]]

a	true	['a']	[[('st', 'a'), ('po', 'noun'), ('ts', 'NOM'), ('al', 'a-vá'), ('al', 'a-val'), ('al', 'a-'), ('al', 'A-s')], [('st', 'a'), ('po', 'det_def'), ('al', 'a-vá'), ('al', 'a-val'), ('al', 'a-'), ('al', 'A-s')]]

program	true	['program']	[[('st', 'program'), ('po', 'noun'), ('ts', 'NOM')]]



This Python wrapper (around pyhunspell package) is licensed under the LGPL 3.0 license. xtsv, PyHunspell, Hunspell and the dictionaries has their own license.