A complimentary group of algorithms, ranging from basic mathematics operations to advanced transformations and observers, which can be easily incorporated into complex real-time control applications. The complimentary algorithms help to speed development and ease of use in applications that require intensive math computation and control such as advanced high efficiency motor control and power conversion. The libraries are highly optimized, are tested on NXP hardware, and are easy to use as they are implemented with a C-callable function interface. The libraries are currently available for the Kinetis ARM Cortex M0+, M4, M7 and M33. More details can be founded on https://www.nxp.com/rtcesl
RTCESL consists from:
Math Library (MLIB) Simple math functions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shifts...) with and without saturation. This aim of this block is to have efficient and fast mathematics built on the MCU’s instructions.
General Function Library (GFLIB) Contains the basic building blocks of a real-time control application. Functions for basic mathematical calculations, trigonometric functions, simple look-up table and control functions such as PI and PID controllers.
General Motor Control Library (GMCLIB) The fundamental blocks of a motor control application. The libraries include vector modulation, Park and Clarke transformations and specific motor related functions to build digitally controlled motor drives.
General Digital Filter Library (GDFLIB) Includes filter functions for signal conditioning.
Advanced Control Library (ACLIB) Functions that enable the construction of a variable speed, AC motor drive system that implements field oriented control techniques without position or speed sensors to provide the lowest cost solution.
Power Control Library (PCLIB) Contains control loop algorithms required in Power Control applications.
User guide is provided to explain more details of RTCESL function and their API.
This repository is under LA_OPT_Online Code Hosting NXP_Software_License.
The best examples of the RTCESL functions usage are the Motor Control examples, that are placed on the repository mcux-sdk-examples.
- Motor control example for ACIM based on RTCESL.
- Motor control example for BLDC based on RTCESL.
- Motor control example for PMSM based on RTCESL.
- Motor control example for PMSM based on RTCESL and fraction arithmetic.