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Emacs configuration

Org file that makes an el file

Hello! This is an org-mode file that automatically generates an init.el file for emacs configuration. Cool, huh?

Lexical binding

;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

Auto-tangle Configuration Files

This snippet adds a hook to org-mode buffers so that dkj/org-babel-tangle-config gets executed each time such a buffer gets saved. This function checks to see if the file being saved is in my .emacs.d directory and, if so, automatically exports the configuration here to the associated output files.

(defun dkj/org-babel-tangle-config ()
  "Automatically tangle our config file when we save it"
  (when (string-equal (file-name-directory (buffer-file-name))
					  (expand-file-name user-emacs-directory))
	;; Dynamic scoping to the rescue
	(let ((org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'dkj/org-babel-tangle-config)))

Personal customization


These are some basic settings to make life a little better. They don’t relate to packages or anything fancy like that.

;; Turn off the tool bar and scroll bar
(when (display-graphic-p)
  (tool-bar-mode -1)
  (scroll-bar-mode -1))
;; Always have the menu bar :)
(menu-bar-mode 1)

;; Show column number in the modeline
(column-number-mode 1)

;; Always prompt before exiting
(defalias 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
(setq confirm-kill-emacs 'y-or-n-p)

;; Turn off the beeping with visible-bell
(setq visible-bell t)

;; 4 space tabs
(setq-default tab-width 4)

;; command is a lot more ergonomic than option
;; also, less confusing when going back and forth between mac and windows
(setq mac-command-modifier 'meta)

;; Allow the mouse in terminal mode
(xterm-mouse-mode 1)

;; Automatically balance windows when they are created or destroyed
(setq window-combination-resize t)

;; I can't see a god damn at this small font size
(defun dkj/font-height (height)
  "Prompts the user for a height and sets the font height.
	 Uses the prefix arg if one is provided."
  (interactive "NHeight: ")
  (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height height))

;; Bigger font by default on mobile
(if (eq system-type 'android)
	(dkj/font-height 250)
  (dkj/font-height 140))

;; Automatically set view-mode when in a readonly buffer
;; Set a buffer as readonly with C-x C-q
(setq view-read-only t)

;; Use bar cursor since it matches the emacs model better
(setq-default cursor-type 'bar)

;; Add more context when scrolling around
(setq next-screen-context-lines 10)

;; Move to the top or bottom of the buffer when scrolling
(setq scroll-error-top-bottom 1)

;; Bigger global mark ring
(setq global-mark-ring-max 50)

;; Show column 80
(setq fill-column 80)

;; Prefer vertical splits in more cases
(setq split-width-threshold 90)
(setq split-height-threshold 100)

;; Backup to the ~/.emacs.d/backups directory
(setq backup-directory-alist
	  `(("." . ,(concat user-emacs-directory "backups"))))

;; When I send mail from emacs, open the default mail client (because I haven't set up sending mail from emacs yet).
(setq send-mail-function 'mailclient-send-it)

;; Winner mode remembers my window layouts
(winner-mode 1)

;; Save minibuffer history across sessions
(savehist-mode 1)

;; Automatically pull changes to files from disk
(global-auto-revert-mode 1)

;; Default to lax whitespace in isearch and match any char
(setq search-whitespace-regexp ".*")
(setq isearch-lax-whitespace t)
(setq isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace nil)

;; Override disabled commands
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)

;; Enable recursive minibuffers
(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)

;; Make bash the default explicit shell
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "/bin/bash")

;; Use bash_history in shell mode
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'my-shell-mode-hook)
(defun my-shell-mode-hook ()
  (setq comint-input-ring-file-name "~/.bash_history")
  (comint-read-input-ring t))

;; Don't use a special shell history file in tramp
(setq tramp-histfile-override nil)

;; Increase shell mode history ring
(setq comint-input-ring-size 100000)

;; Let xterm-compatible terminals copy-paste from emacs
(setq xterm-extra-capabilities '(setSelection))

;; ediff settings [[][from prot]]
(setq ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally  ; vert
	  ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain) ; no float

;; Android bindings
(global-set-key (kbd "<volume-down>") #'execute-extended-command)
(global-set-key (kbd "<volume-up>") #'winner-undo)

;; Made M-x grep use rg by default
(setq grep-command "rg -n -H --no-heading -e ")


C-t as my personal keymap

By default, C-c <letter> is supposed to be reserved for user-defined commands. This is not my favorite for a couple of reasons:

  1. Some modes map C-c <letter> for some <letter> s
  2. C-c <letter> is harder to press quickly than C-c C-<letter>, and C-c C-<letter> is explicitly reserved for modes to map.

So I want to make a own prefix, on which I can bind anything I like. I’ve chosen C-t for this, since transposing characters is not something I can imagine wanting to do.

(define-prefix-command 'dkj-keys)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-t") #'dkj-keys)

(defun dkj/tab-next-or-other-frame (prefix)
  "Call tab-next without a prefix or other-frame with"
  (interactive "P")
  (if (equal prefix '(4)) (other-frame 1) (tab-next)))

;; Shorter tab-next and other-frame binding
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-o") #'dkj/tab-next-or-other-frame)

;; Easily store links to org headers
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-l") #'org-store-link)
;; Capture something
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-t") #'org-capture)

;; Open the agenda
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-a") #'org-agenda)

;; Nicer winner-mode bindings
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-p") #'winner-undo)
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-n") #'winner-redo)

;; Better macro bindings
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-9") #'kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter)
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-0") #'kmacro-end-or-call-macro)

;; Binding for grepping
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-/") #'grep)

Bunch of mappings

;; Reserve this for tmux. Previously toggle-input-method
(global-unset-key (kbd "C-\\"))

;; Easier window movement
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-1") #'delete-other-windows)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-2") #'split-window-below)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-3") #'split-window-right)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-0") #'delete-window)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-o") #'other-window)

;; Use dwim versions of upcase and downcase instead of char/word/region-specific verions
(global-set-key (kbd "M-u") #'upcase-dwim)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-l") #'downcase-dwim)

;; Use cycle-spacing since it replaces just-one-space,
;; delete-horizontal-space, and delete-blank-lines all in one
(global-set-key (kbd "M-SPC") #'cycle-spacing)

;; Bind M-/ to dabbrev-completion instead of dabbrev-expand to use capf
(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") #'dabbrev-completion)

Menu bar customization

Create a menu bar menu and add custom functions to it.
(define-key global-map [menu-bar dkj]
			(cons "DKJ" (make-sparse-keymap "DKJ")))

(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar dkj end-macro]
			'("Macro - End/Call" . kmacro-end-or-call-macro))

(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar dkj begin-macro]
			'("Macro - Begin/Counter" . kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter))

(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar dkj open-config]
			'("Open config" . dkj/open-config))


;; C-t C-h to open this file, my config
(defun dkj/open-config ()
  "Open this file."
  (find-file "~/.emacs.d/"))
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-h") #'dkj/open-config)

;; Pulse for a little longer than the default
(setq pulse-delay 0.1)
;; Pulse the line when I get lost
(defun dkj/pulse-line (&rest _)
  "Pulse the current line."
  (pulse-momentary-highlight-one-line (point)))
(dolist (command '(scroll-up-command scroll-down-command
									 recenter-top-bottom other-window))
  (advice-add command :after #'dkj/pulse-line))

(defun dkj/polya (prefix)
  "Insert Polya's How to Solve It steps as headers (or list items)"
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((dkj/polya-headers (lambda ()
							 (org-insert-subheading 1)
							 (insert "Problem")
							 (insert "Plan")
							 (insert "Process")
							 (insert "Past")))
		(dkj/polya-items (lambda ()
						   (insert "Problem")
						   (insert "Plan")
						   (insert "Process")
						   (insert "Past"))))
	(if (equal prefix '(4))
		(funcall dkj/polya-items)
	  (funcall dkj/polya-headers))))

Org mode stuff

Org-mode is cool. That’s an understatement, org-mode is one of the main reasons to use Emacs.

org-mode general settings

(setq org-directory "~/org"
	  org-default-notes-file "~/org/"
	  org-id-locations-file "~/org/.org-id-locations"
	  org-startup-truncated nil
	  org-ellipsis ">>"
	  org-id-link-to-org-use-id 'create-if-interactive
	  org-image-actual-width 600
	  org-edit-src-content-indentation 0)

;; work-around  for org-ctags obnoxious behavior
(with-eval-after-load 'org-ctags (setq org-open-link-functions nil))

;; Make inserting new list items a little cleaner
(with-eval-after-load "org"
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "M-<return>") #'org-insert-item)
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-<return>") #'org-insert-heading))

;; Create a link to an org header interactively
;; using the same backend as refile
;; taken from
(defun dkj/org-id-insert-link ()
  "Insert at point a link to any heading from 'org-agenda-files'."
  (let ((buffer-pos
		  (org-id-get-with-outline-path-completion '((nil :maxlevel . 100)
													 (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 5))))))
	  (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer (car buffer-pos))
		(goto-char (cdr buffer-pos))
		(call-interactively 'org-store-link)))
	(org-insert-all-links 1 "" " ")))
(with-eval-after-load "org"
  (define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c l") #'dkj/org-id-insert-link))

;; "One" button org-add-note to clocked workflow
(defun dkj/create-org-store-log-note-and-save (m)
  (defun dkj/org-store-log-note-and-save () ; This only works with lexical binding
	(save-some-buffers t
					   (lambda ()
						 (eq (marker-buffer m) (current-buffer))))))

(defun dkj/org-add-note-clocked ()
  ;; Marker logic copied from org-clock-goto
  (let* ((recent nil)
		 (m (cond
			 ((org-clocking-p) org-clock-marker)
			 ((and org-clock-goto-may-find-recent-task
				   (car org-clock-history)
				   (marker-buffer (car org-clock-history)))
			  (setq recent t)
			  (car org-clock-history))
			 (t (user-error "No active or recent clock task")))))
	(if recent ;; this is also from org-clock-goto
		(message "No running clock, this is the most recently clocked task"))
	;; Copy and merge org-add-log-setup and org-add-log-note
	;; but using clocked marker, keeping the current window
	;; instead of moving to the target org heading
	;; and not doing extra stuff that's not relevant to this case
	(move-marker org-log-note-marker (marker-position m) (marker-buffer m))
	(setq org-log-note-purpose 'note
		  org-log-note-effective-time (org-current-effective-time)
		  org-log-note-this-command this-command
		  org-log-note-recursion-depth (recursion-depth)
		  org-log-post-message nil) ;; prevents storing the log from sending an extra "Entry repeats" message
	(when (and (equal org-log-note-this-command this-command)
			   (= org-log-note-recursion-depth (recursion-depth)))
	  (setq org-log-note-window-configuration (current-window-configuration))
	  (move-marker org-log-note-return-to (point))
	  (org-switch-to-buffer-other-window "*Org Note*")
	  (let ((org-inhibit-startup t)) (org-mode))
	  (insert "# Insert note for this entry.\n# Finish with C-c C-c, or cancel with C-c C-k.\n\n")
	  (when org-log-note-extra (insert org-log-note-extra))
	  (setq-local org-finish-function (dkj/create-org-store-log-note-and-save m))
	  (run-hooks 'org-log-buffer-setup-hook))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z") #'dkj/org-add-note-clocked)

Agenda settings

All flows from the agenda

(require 'org-agenda)

;; define a main view to use in the following functions
(defun dkj/agenda-main-view ()
  (org-agenda nil "n"))

;; define a secondary view to use in the following functions
(defun dkj/agenda-alt-view ()
  (org-agenda nil "N"))

(defun dkj/present-agenda-and-clocked ()
  "Open the agenda and the currently clocked task side by side."
	(other-window 1)
	(recenter-top-bottom 0)))

(defun dkj/open-agenda-main-view (prefix)
  "Open the main view of my agenda."
  (interactive "P")
	(if (equal major-mode 'org-agenda-mode) (delete-other-windows))
	(setq current-prefix-arg nil)
	 ((equal prefix '(4)) (dkj/present-agenda-and-clocked))
	 ((equal prefix '(16)) (dkj/agenda-alt-view))
	 (t (dkj/agenda-main-view)))))

;; Open agenda through the menu bar
(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar dkj open-agenda-main-view]
			'("Open agenda" . dkj/open-agenda-main-view))

;; Open the main view of the agenda with f12
(global-set-key (kbd "C-o") #'dkj/open-agenda-main-view)

;; ~/org for agenda and refile settings
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/org")
	  org-refile-targets '((nil :maxlevel . 9) (org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 9))
	  org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil
	  org-refile-use-outline-path 'file
	  org-agenda-span 'day
	  org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)

;; Open my custom agenda view
(setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("n"
									"Today's agenda"
									((agenda "" ((org-deadline-warning-days 7)))
									 (todo "" ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/"))
											   (org-agenda-overriding-header "Inbox tasks")))
									 (todo "PROG" ((org-agenda-files '("~/org/"))
												   (org-agenda-overriding-header "In-progress tasks")))))
									"Todos in Do, Decide, Delegate, Delete order"
									((tags-todo "+important+urgent" ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'all)
																	 (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'all)))
									 (tags-todo "+important-urgent" ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'all)
																	 (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'all)))
									 (tags-todo "-important+urgent" ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'all)
																	 (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'all)))
									 (tags-todo "-important-urgent" ((org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines 'all)
																	 (org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled 'all)))))))

;; Agenda sorting order
(setq org-agenda-sorting-strategy '((agenda time-up todo-state-down category-keep)
									(todo todo-state-down category-keep)
									(tags todo-state-down)
									(search category-keep)))

;; Agenda clockreport settings
(setq org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist '(:link t :maxlevel 6 :tags t))

(defun dkj/format-n-breadcrumbs (n)
  "Formats the first and last n-1 headers for an org item for my agenda."
  (let* ((breadcrumbs (org-get-outline-path))
		 (blength (length breadcrumbs))
		 (extra (if (> blength n) '(".") '()))
		 (first (cons (car breadcrumbs)
		 (n1 (max (- (min blength n) 1) 0))
		 (last-n (seq-subseq breadcrumbs
							 (- blength n1)
	(format "%-25.25s" (string-join (append first last-n) ">"))))

;; Number of breadcrumbs to format into my agenda prefix
(setq breadcrumbs-to-format 2)
;; Set prefix to use top level header instead of file name in todo list
(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
	  '((agenda . "%(dkj/format-n-breadcrumbs breadcrumbs-to-format) %?-12t% s")
		(todo . "%(dkj/format-n-breadcrumbs breadcrumbs-to-format) %s")
		(tags . "%(dkj/format-n-breadcrumbs breadcrumbs-to-format) %s")
		(search . "%-12:c")))

;; Remap h (org-agenda-holidays) to org-revert-all-org-buffers
(with-eval-after-load "org"
  (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "h") #'org-revert-all-org-buffers))

Todo settings

(setq org-todo-keywords
	  '((sequence "TODO(t)" "PROG(p)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CNCL(c!)"))
	  org-clock-into-drawer t
	  org-log-into-drawer t)

;; Switch to "PROG" when clocked in, unless we're just clocking in a capture buffer
(defun dkj/prog-when-clock-if-not-cap (state)
  (cond ((and (boundp 'org-capture-mode) org-capture-mode) state)
		(t "PROG")))
(setq org-clock-in-switch-to-state #'dkj/prog-when-clock-if-not-cap)  

Tag settings

Quick tag selection for easier Eisenhowering
(setq org-tag-persistent-alist '(("important" . ?i)
								 ("urgent"    . ?u)))

Capture templates

Quick cap

(setq org-capture-templates
	  (quote (("t" "Todo" entry (file "~/org/")
			   "* TODO %?\n%U\n%a\n" :clock-in t :clock-keep t)
			  ("m" "Meeting" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/org/")
			   "* %? :MEETING:\n%U\n" :clock-in t :clock-keep t)
			  ("j" "Journal" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/org/")
			   "* %? :JOURNAL:\n%U\n" :clock-in t :clock-keep t))))

Clock settings

Use org-mode to clock time spent on things. Estimate time before starting tasks. Get better at estimation through iteration. Etc… Largely taken from / inspired by

;; Show lot of clocking history so it's easy to pick items off the C-t C-i list
(setq org-clock-history-length 25)
;; Resume clocking task on clock-in if the clock is open
(setq org-clock-in-resume t)
;; Save the running clock and all clock history when exiting Emacs, load it on startup
(setq org-clock-persist t)
;; Set clock duration format to never aggregate up to days
(setq org-duration-format (quote h:mm))
;; Show current clock period instead of defaulting to total clocked time
(setq org-clock-mode-line-total 'current)

;; Define things that show up as issues in clock check (v c in org-agenda)
;; Only thing I've changed is lowering the default max-gap from 5 minutes to 1
;; and lowering the default max-duration from 10 hours to 5 hours.
(setq org-agenda-clock-consistency-checks '(:max-duration "5:00"
														  :min-duration 0
														  :max-gap "0:01"
														  ((:background "DarkRed")
														   (:foreground "white"))
														  :overlap-face nil
														  :gap-face nil
														  :no-end-time-face nil
														  :long-face nil
														  :short-face nil))

(defun dkj/global-clock-in ()
  (org-clock-in '(4)))
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-i") #'dkj/global-clock-in)

;; (defun dkj/log-at-marker (marker)
;;   (pop-to-buffer-same-window (marker-buffer marker))
;;   (goto-char marker)
;;   (org-insert-heading '(4))
;;   (when (org-clocking-p) (org-clock-out))
;;   (org-clock-in))

;; (defun dkj/get-log-end-marker ()
;;   (let ((logb (get-buffer "")))
;;     (set-marker (make-marker) (+ 1 (buffer-size logb)) logb)))

;; (defun dkj/smart-log ()
;;   (let ((jump-marker (cond
;; 		      ;; If in the log, log at point
;; 		      ((string= (buffer-name (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window)))
;; 				"")
;; 		       (point-marker))
;; 		      ;; If clocked in log, log at clocked
;; 		      ((and (org-clocking-p)
;; 			    (string= (buffer-name (marker-buffer org-clock-marker))
;; 				     ""))
;; 		       org-clock-marker)
;; 		      ;; Else log at end
;; 		      (t
;; 		       (dkj/get-log-end-marker)))))
;;     (dkj/log-at-marker jump-marker)))

;; (defun dkj/log-at-end ()
;;   (dkj/log-at-marker (dkj/get-log-end-marker)))

;; (defun dkj/new-log ()
;;   (interactive)
;;   (cond
;;    ((equal current-prefix-arg nil) (dkj/smart-log))
;;    ((equal current-prefix-arg '(4)) (dkj/log-at-end))))

;; (define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-<return>") #'dkj/new-log)

Export defaults

The export options are detailed here. Use defaults that make sense for me.

(setq org-export-with-sub-superscripts nil
	  org-export-with-section-numbers nil
	  org-export-with-toc nil
	  org-export-headline-levels 10
	  org-export-use-babel nil)

Calendar export defaults

I want to mirror my org agenda to a Google calendar in order to make it sharable.
(setq org-icalendar-store-UID 't
	  org-icalendar-use-deadline '(event-if-todo-not-done event-if-not-todo)
	  org-icalendar-use-scheduled '(event-if-todo-not-done event-if-not-todo)
	  org-icalendar-scheduled-summary-prefix "S: "
	  org-icalendar-deadline-summary-prefix "DL: "
	  org-icalendar-combined-name "David Org Export"
	  org-agenda-default-appointment-duration 30
	  dkj/org-ical-agenda-files '(""

(defun dkj/org-ical-export ()
  (setq current-agenda-files org-agenda-files)
  (setq org-agenda-files dkj/org-ical-agenda-files)
  (setq org-agenda-files current-agenda-files))

Markdown export

Markdown is still useful, so we need a backend to export to it.

(setq org-export-backends '(ascii html icalendar latex md odt))

Org add ids automatically
(defun dkj/org-add-ids-to-headlines-in-file ()
  "Add ID properties to all headlines in the current file which
do not already have one."
  (org-map-entries 'org-id-get-create))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'dkj/org-add-ids-to-headlines-in-file nil 'local)))


Using packages

Packages are hip and cool and emacs is pretty good at using them.

;; Initialize package sources
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("melpa" . "")
						 ("org" . "")
						 ("elpa" . "")
						 ("nongnu" . "")))

;; Initialize use-package on non-Linux platforms
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
  (package-install 'use-package))

(require 'use-package)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

Automatic Package Updates

The auto-package-update package helps us keep our Emacs packages up to date! It will prompt you after a certain number of days either at startup or at a specific time of day to remind you to update your packages.

You can also use M-x auto-package-update-now to update right now!

(use-package auto-package-update
  (auto-package-update-interval 7)
  (auto-package-update-prompt-before-update t)
  (auto-package-update-hide-results t)
  (auto-package-update-at-time "09:00"))


which-key is a package which describes available key bindings interactively. If you use a binding which prefixes other bindings and then wait, it will pop up a small buffer with the available follow ups.

(use-package which-key

Pretty colors

;; Themes that I like to have available
(use-package gruvbox-theme)
(use-package material-theme)
(use-package modus-themes) ;; built in now, but to get the tinted themes we need the package, I think

;; Some modus theme customization
(setq modus-themes-org-blocks 'gray-background)

;; Light and dark themes I'm using currently
(setq dkj/theme-light 'modus-operandi-tinted)
(setq dkj/theme-dark 'modus-vivendi)

;; Function to swap between light and dark theme
(defun dkj/swap-themes ()
  (let ((current-theme (car custom-enabled-themes)))
	(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes)
	(load-theme (cond
				 ((eq current-theme dkj/theme-light) dkj/theme-dark)
				 ((eq current-theme dkj/theme-dark) dkj/theme-light))

;; Bind swapping between light and dark theme to "C-t C-\"
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-\\") #'dkj/swap-themes)

;; Default to dark theme except on Android
;; where I want to default to light theme and get even lighter
;; for the Boox
(cond ((eq system-type 'android)
	   (setq dkj/theme-light 'modus-operandi)
	   (load-theme dkj/theme-light t))
	   (load-theme dkj/theme-dark t)))


dot-mode gives us a function similar to Vim’s ., which replays the last sequence of edits.

(use-package dot-mode
  (dot-mode 1)
  (global-dot-mode 1))

;; Remap the default dot-mode bindings to not conflict with my Embark bindings
(with-eval-after-load "dot-mode"
  (define-key dot-mode-map (kbd "C-.") nil)
  (define-key dot-mode-map (kbd "C-M-.") nil)
  (define-key dot-mode-map (kbd "C-c .") nil)
  (define-key dot-mode-map (kbd "C-x C-.") #'dot-mode-execute)
  (define-key dot-mode-map (kbd "C-x C-M-.") #'dot-mode-override))


Magit is a git frontend. People really like it. I’m used to fugitive. Anyway, this is Emacs, so we use Magit.

(use-package magit)

Completion stuff


Marginalia adds more context to minibuffer completions.

(use-package marginalia
  :ensure t
  (:map minibuffer-local-map
		("M-A" . marginalia-cycle))


Orderless completion.

(use-package orderless
  (setq completion-styles '(orderless initials basic)
		completion-category-defaults nil
		completion-category-overrides '((file (styles partial-completion)))))


Vertico is a vertical completing-read interface. It’s pretty much the same as fido-vertical-mode, which is built in now, but it’s more performant.

;; Enable vertico
(use-package vertico

  ;; Different scroll margin
  (setq vertico-scroll-margin 1)

  ;; Show more candidates
  ;; (setq vertico-count 20)

  ;; Grow and shrink the Vertico minibuffer
  ;; (setq vertico-resize t)

  ;; Optionally enable cycling for `vertico-next' and `vertico-previous'.
  (setq vertico-cycle t)

  ;; enable the mouse
  (vertico-mouse-mode 1))


Corfu is Vertico’s completion-in-region companion.
(use-package corfu
  (corfu-cycle t)                ;; Enable cycling for 'corfu-next/previous'
  (corfu-auto t)                 ;; Enable auto completion
  (corfu-quit-at-boundary nil)   ;; Never quit at completion boundary
  (corfu-scroll-margin 1)        ;; Use scroll margin

;; Enable indentation+completion using the TAB key.
(setq tab-always-indent 'complete)

Corfu uses child frames that don’t work in terminal emacs. For that we need emacs-corfu-terminal.

(use-package corfu-terminal
  (unless (display-graphic-p)
	(corfu-terminal-mode +1)))


Embark is a right-click menu for the keyboard.

(use-package embark
  :ensure t
  (("C-." . embark-act)         ;; pick some comfortable binding
   ("C-," . embark-export)      ;; good alternative: M-.
   ("C-h B" . embark-bindings)) ;; alternative for `describe-bindings'
  (:map org-mode-map
		("C-," . embark-export))
  ;; Optionally replace the key help with a completing-read interface
  (setq prefix-help-command #'embark-prefix-help-command)
  ;; Use the minimal indicator instead of the default mixed indicator
  (setq embark-indicators '(embark-minimal-indicator embark-highlight-indicator embark-isearch-highlight-indicator))
  ;; Hide the mode line of the Embark live/completions buffers
  (add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
			   '("\\`\\*Embark Collect \\(Live\\|Completions\\)\\*"
				 (window-parameters (mode-line-format . none)))))

(setq embark-quit-after-action nil)

Language support

Packages for configuring support of various computer languages


In emacs we want to mostly write org-mode when it comes to markup languages. Still, markdown is useful.

(use-package markdown-mode)


racket-mode is so good dude. I can’t go back to vim.

(use-package racket-mode)

Godot engine

GDScript mode!

(use-package gdscript-mode)


(use-package go-mode)

;; execute Go in org source blocks
(use-package ob-go)


Org-babel is the part of org that’s about interacting with code blocks. Org code blocks are not simply about giving a block a colorful, monospaced typeface. They also have powers, thanks to Emacs’ environment.

Org execute other languages inline

With C-c C-c

(use-package ob-go)

 '((python . t)
   (plantuml . t)
   (go . t)
   (shell . t)))

(setq org-babel-python-command "python3")

(setq org-plantuml-exec-mode 'plantuml)
Literate code helper functions
(defun dkj/extract-code-block-noweb (name)
  "Extracts a block of code from an org code block,
surrounding it with a new named code block,
and leaving a noweb reference in its place."
  (interactive "MName: " name)
  (let* ((rb (region-beginning))
		 (re (region-end))
		 (region (buffer-substring-no-properties rb re))
		 (lang (car (ignore-errors (org-babel-get-src-block-info))))
		 (noweb-ref (format "<<%s>>" name))
		 (newblock (format "#+name: %s\n#+begin_src %s :noweb yes\n%s\n#+end_src"
	(delete-region rb re)
	(kill-new newblock)
	(insert noweb-ref)
	(indent-region rb re)))
(define-key dkj-keys (kbd "C-k") #'dkj/extract-code-block-noweb)

Anki editor

Write anki cards in org mode and sync them to Anki. Why not use org-drill or similar? It’s most convenient to review cards on my phone, and there’s no good phone app for org-drill. The Anki apps are great.

(use-package anki-editor)

;; Create a named command for inserting a hiragana from the clipbard
(defalias 'dkj/anki-insert-hiragana-from-clipboard
  (kmacro "M-x a n k i - e d i t o r - i n d e r <backspace> <backspace> <backspace> s e r t - n o t e <return> b a s i c SPC a n d SPC r e <return> C-y <return> M-S-<left> C-c C-n C-e <return> C-y C-n C-e <return>"))

;; Command for creating a new card using a structure in the "a" register
(defalias 'dkj/insert-from-a
  (kmacro "C-u C-<return> C-a C-k C-x r i a C-c C-u C-e" 4 "%d"))

Bad Emacs Defaults

An article with opinions about some emacs defaults. Most of them seem good.

;; Back up and autosave into directories, instead of all over the place
(make-directory "~/.emacs_backups/" t)
(make-directory "~/.emacs_autosave/" t)
(setq auto-save-file-name-transforms '((".*" "~/.emacs_autosave/" t)))
(setq backup-directory-alist '(("." . "~/.emacs_backups/")))

;; Back up by copying instead of moving
(setq backup-by-copying t)

;; Nobody uses double spaces at the end of sentences anymore
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)

;; Guess indent style from the surrounding file and directory
(unless (package-installed-p 'dtrt-indent) (package-install 'dtrt-indent))
(setq dtrt-indent-global-mode t)

;; Show trailing whitespace
(setq show-trailing-whitespace t)

Kitty Keyboard Protocol

KKP tells Emacs how to handle CSI u escape codes, allowing CLI Emacs to use lots of cool key chords that would otherwise not work.

(use-package kkp
  :ensure t
  ;; (setq kkp-alt-modifier 'alt) ;; use this if you want to map the Alt keyboard modifier to Alt in Emacs (and not to Meta)
  (global-kkp-mode +1))


Avy is one of those “jump to a character on the screen” type of plugins. I’ve never liked these in the past, but let’s try it again.

Why is Avy better?

  • Searches across all the whole screen (all open windows) replacing, sometimes, multiple window changes and a search
  • Not directional
  • Tags are consistent given the same screen
    • Because it searches across the whole screen and isn’t directional, as long as the text on screen doesn’t change, neither do the Avy tags. Therefore, if you mistype your tag to jump to, you can often very quickly jump to the correct tag
;; From
(defun avy-action-embark (pt)
		(goto-char pt)
	 (cdr (ring-ref avy-ring 0))))

(use-package avy
  :ensure t
  (("C-;" . #'avy-goto-char-timer))
  (:map org-mode-map
		("C-;" . #'avy-goto-char-timer))
  (:map isearch-mode-map
		("C-;" . #'avy-isearch))
  (setq avy-timeout-seconds 0.25
		avy-single-candidate-jump nil)
  (setf (alist-get ?. avy-dispatch-alist) 'avy-action-embark))

(use-package ace-window
  :ensure t
  (("C-M-;" . ace-window))
  (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l)
		aw-dispatch-always t))


Visualize the undo tree for tricky undo situations
(use-package vundo)


Tetris, man…

(with-eval-after-load "tetris-mode"
  (define-key tetris-mode-map (kbd "z") #'tetris-rotate-next)
  (define-key tetris-mode-map (kbd "x") #'tetris-rotate-prev)
  (define-key tetris-mode-map (kbd "<up>") #'tetris-move-bottom))


Take synched org notes on documents in Emacs!
(use-package org-noter
  (setq org-noter-highlight-selected-text t
		org-noter-max-short-selected-text-length 0
		org-noter-swap-window t))

(defun dkj/mobile-org-noter ()
  "Call org-noter in a way that sets everything up perfectly for mobile device usage."
  (let* ((org-noter-notes-window-location 'vertical-split)
		 (org-noter-doc-split-fraction '(0.1 . 0.9)))

(define-key global-map [menu-bar mobile-reading]
			(cons "READ" (make-sparse-keymap "READ")))

(defun dkj/goto-id-mobile-org-noter (id)
  (org-id-open id t)

(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar mobile-reading org-noter]
			'("Orientalism" . (lambda () (interactive)

(define-key global-map
			[separator-4] menu-bar-separator) 

(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar mobile-reading noter-kill]
			'("Kill noter" . org-noter-kill-session))

(defun dkj/noter-insert-note-and-save-all ()
  (save-some-buffers t))

(define-key global-map
			[menu-bar mobile-reading org-noter-insert-precise-note]
			'("Insert note" . dkj/noter-insert-note-and-save-all))


For reading pdfs in Emacs! Useful with org-noter.
;; (use-package pdf-tools
;;   :ensure t
;;   :init
;;   (pdf-tools-install))


For reading epub files in Emacs! Useful with org-noter.
(use-package nov
  :ensure t
  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.epub\\'" . nov-mode))
  (setq nov-save-place-file "~/org/nov-places"
		nov-text-width 50))

Visual fill column

Soft wrap lines in a center column in nov.el mode.

(use-package visual-fill-column
  (setq-default visual-fill-column-center-text t))

(defun dkj/nov-display-setup ()
  (when (require 'visual-fill-column nil t)
	(setq-local visual-fill-column-width
				(1+ nov-text-width))
    (visual-line-fill-column-mode 1)))

(add-hook 'nov-mode-hook 'dkj/nov-display-setup)

Speed type

Typing tests in Emacs :)
(use-package speed-type)


Emulate a Terminal
(use-package eat)


The built-in markdown exporter is a little stinky. Namely, it exports code blocks using indentation instead of fences. I believe it does this because that’s how it’s specified in the original md spec: But everybody uses fences now. For richer markdown posting, let’s use ox-gfm.

(use-package ox-gfm)
(eval-after-load "org"
  '(require 'ox-gfm nil t))

Load other files

I like to keep everything in one file, but sometimes stuff needs to go in other files for cleanliness or confidentiality.
;; Load customize stuff
(setq custom-file (concat user-emacs-directory "custom.el"))
(when (file-exists-p custom-file)
  (load custom-file))

;; Load Google stuff if it exists
(setq googel (concat user-emacs-directory "google.el"))
(when (file-exists-p googel)
  (load googel))

;; Load non-Google stuff if it exists
(setq noogel (concat user-emacs-directory "noogle.el"))
(when (file-exists-p noogel)
  (load noogel))


Repo for my emacs configuration






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No packages published