This is a django survey app, its based on and compatible with "django-survey". This means you will be able to migrate from an ancient version of django-survey. As the old 'django-survey' seem to be inactive and do not accept pull-request, this is available on PyPi as "django-survey-and-report".
Compared to django-survey, it has been refactored, ported to python 3, and test has been added as well as exports as csv and pdf for the survey's results.
In order to get started, install the requirements, create the database, create a superuser, launch the server, then create your survey in the django admin :
pip install -r requirements.txt
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python runserver
# Create survey in interface
You will have to change the settings in order to suit your need.
If you want to use the Sankey's diagram you will have to install python-tk (for python 2.7) or python3-tk (for python 3.x).
Using the admin interface you can create surveys, add questions, give questions categories, and mark them as required or not. You can define choices for answers using comma separated words.
The front-end survey view then automatically populates based on the questions that have been defined and published in the admin interface. We use bootstrap3 to render them.
Submitted responses can be viewed via the admin backend, in an exported csv or in a pdf generated with latex. The way the pdf is generated is configurable in a yaml file, globally, survey by survey, or question by question. In order to render pdf you will need to install texlive and python-tk or python3-tk for sankey's diagram.
The results are generated for the server only when needed, but you can force it as a developper with:
python exportresult -h
Following is an example of a configuration file. you can generate one with:
python generatetexconf -h
document_option: 11pt
Test survëy:
document_class: report
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amët, <strong> consectetur </strong> adipiscing elit.:
type: polar
text: pin
Dolor sit amët, consectetur<strong> adipiscing</strong> elit.:
type: cloud
text: inside
The pdf is then generated using the very good pgf-pie library.
If you installed python-tk (for python 2.7) or python3-tk (for python 3.x), you can also show the relation between two questions using a sankey diagram :
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amët, <strong> consectetur </strong> adipiscing elit.:
type: sankey
question: Dolor sit amët, consectetur<strong> adipiscing</strong> elit.
You get this as a result:
You can also limit the answers shown by cardinality, filter them, group them together and choose the color for each answer or group of answers.
If you use this configuration for the previous question:
Test survëy:
Dolor sit amët, consectetur<strong> adipiscing</strong> elit.:
Sub Sub Section with radius=3 :
color: {"Yës": "blue!50", "No": "red!50",
"Whatever": "red!50!blue!50"}
radius: 3
Sub Sub Section with text=pin :
group_together: {"Nah": ["No", "Whatever"], "K.": ["Yës"]}
color: {"Nah": "blue!33!red!66", "K.": "blue!50"}
text: pin
radius: 1
type: cloud
text: inside
You get this as a result:
If you want to make your own treatment you can use your own class, for example.
Test survëy:
Ipsum dolor sit amët, <strong> consectetur </strong> adipiscing elit.:
type: survey.tests.exporter.tex.CustomQuestion2TexChild
Code in survey.tests.exporter.tex.CustomQuestion2TexChild
from survey.exporter.tex.question2tex_chart import Question2TexChart
class CustomQuestion2TexChild(Question2TexChart):
def get_results(self):
self.type = "polar"
return """ 2/There were no answer at all,
3/But we have a custom treatment to show some,
2/You can make minor changes too !"""
For a full example of a configuration file look at example_conf.yaml
in doc,
you can also generate your configuration file with
python generatetexconf -h
, it will create the default skeleton
for every survey and question.
You may want to use a virtualenv for python 2.7 or 3+ :
python3.5 -m venv .3env/
# Resp. for python 2.7 : virtualenv .env
source .3env/bin/activate
# Resp. for python 2.7 : source .env/bin/activate
In order to get started, install the dev requirements, create the database, create a superuser, load the test dump, then launch the server :
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
python migrate
python createsuperuser
python loaddata survey/tests/testdump.json
python runserver
python test survey
xdg-open htmlcov/index.html
### Sorting imports
isort -rc survey
python makemessages --no-obsolete --no-wrap
python runserver
# Access http://localhost:8000/rosetta
pylint survey
python build
Some inspiration came from an older django-survey app, but this app uses a different model architecture and different mechanism for dynamic form generation.
For the sankey's diagram we used pysankey.