CCFDV3.0 is an open-source written in fortran for the analysis of partial differential equations(PDEs) problems on structured meshes (CGNS format).
CCFDV3.0 in build/CCFD_MPI/Makefile or build/CCFD_SEQ/Makefile:
OBJS_DIR = obj/ EXE_DIR = bin/
EXE = CCFD_MPI FC = mpif90 IDIR = -I/home/ccfd/cgns/include -I/home/ccfd/metis/include CFLAGS = -r8 -Wall -O2 -w -DDEBUG LFLAGS = LIBS = -L/home/ccfd/cgns/lib -lcgns -L/home/ccfd/metis/lib -lmetis
#we need cgns and Metis lib and -lcgns -lmetis #so you can edit the path at Makefile
#make the ccfdv3.0 install
make all #or make #make the ccfdv3.0 uninstall make clean
#you can delete the -DPMPI when you want complier the ccfd_seq in a host processor computing!
PS1:2019年1月8日10:55:19 修改了开式温度和兰金温度的转换错误。