esug.github.io Public
Forked from ESUG/esug.github.ioEuropean Smalltalk User Group Web site
CSS MIT License UpdatedFeb 26, 2025 -
Mandrill Public
Pharo implementation of the mandrill mail API
ASN.1 Public
Smalltalk implementation of a ASN.1 parser that compiles into a runtime model
Foliage Public
A simple static site generator
smalltalkCI Public
Forked from hpi-swa/smalltalkCIFramework for testing Smalltalk projects with GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, Travis CI, AppVeyor, and others.
mustache Public
A mustache template implementation in smalltalk
MethodTracker Public
Forked from bauing-schmidt/MethodTrackerPharo method wrappers for performance analysis
Smalltalk UpdatedJun 20, 2023 -
MicroDown Public
Forked from pillar-markup/MicrodownMicrodown is a cleaned and simpler markdown but with more powerful features such as extensions.
JSONWebToken Public
A pharo implementation of JSON web token (JWT)
Scheduler Public
Forked from pharo-contributions/SchedulerAn easy-to-use task scheduler that can run arbitrary blocks
Smalltalk MIT License UpdatedApr 25, 2022 -
voyage Public
Forked from pharo-nosql/voyageVoyage is an object persistence abstraction layer for Pharo.
pharo Public
Forked from pharo-project/pharoThe sources for Pharo
Smalltalk MIT License UpdatedMay 19, 2021 -
taskit Public
Forked from pharo-contributions/taskitTaskIt is a library that ease Process usage in Pharo. It provides abstractions to execute and synchronize concurrent tasks, and several pre-built mechanisms that are useful for many application dev…
Smalltalk UpdatedFeb 12, 2021 -
mongotalk Public
Forked from pharo-nosql/mongotalkA Pharo driver for MongoDB
Smalltalk MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2021 -
Transactional Public
An experiment to have concurrent memory transactions
pakbot Public
Forked from pharo-pkg/pakbotCargo package manager
Smalltalk MIT License UpdatedOct 6, 2020 -
Prolog Public
An attempt to implement a prolog interpreter in pharo
prolog-todo-web-app Public
An implementation of a todo web app in prolog for prolog advanced class
XML-Schema Public
A simple start of a XML Schema reader and model builder to examine XSD
Smalltalk UpdatedMay 12, 2020 -
Roassal3 Public
Forked from ObjectProfile/Roassal3Proposal for Pharo 8
Smalltalk MIT License UpdatedAug 13, 2019 -
pharo-minimal Public
A set of scripts and resources to produce a pharo minimal headless image